Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 2.3. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version is available here: XML FAQ.


From MoodleDocs

(If you don't find the answer to your question here, just post the question. There might be someone out there to provide the answer.)

XML in general

Where do I find general information about XML?

Moodle XML

Is there only one kind of Moodle XML?

No, there are (at least) two different kinds of Moodle XML, one for importing/exporting glossaries and one for questions (quizzes), the latter being the one usually referred to as "Moodle XML".

Then there is XML in the SCORM/IMS packages that Moodle can import and must be able to handle. These packages are educational content that has been marked up in a special way to be able to be used in compatible Learning Management Systems.

The course backup and restore process also generates an XML file (inside the zip file) that contains all the information about the course.

Where do I find documentation about Moodle XML?

Problems when transferring XML format into Moodle


Are there tools for converting to and from Moodle XML?

A simple HTML file which converts TSV data to XML using JavaScript

How can I view and edit XML files?

XML is just text so you can view and edit it with any text editor. However, this isn't very easy for anything more than a trivial file. There are a number of dedicated XML editors available for many platforms. If you only need to view the XML, most browsers are able to render XML files. Some even let you view the source text and do some basic editing.

See also

Moodle Docs
Contributed modules and plugins