A user assigned the role of course creator can (as the name suggests!) create a course. If the setting "Creators' role in new courses" is left as default (teacher), then the course creator is enrolled as a teacher in the course they have just created and can then edit the course settings and enrol other users.
A course creator can also view hidden courses.
The role of course creator could typically be assigned to a master teacher, department head or program coordinator.
Creating a course
The "Add a new course" button can be found at the bottom of the page listing all courses.
When a course creator creates a course, they are automatically enrolled in the course as a teacher, or whatever role is set in Administration > Users > Permissions > User policies.
Note (1): If a user is assigned the role of course creator in the course category context, the "Add a new course" button only appears when the course category contains at least one course.
Note (2): Course creators are not automatically assigned the role of teacher in a course they have not created, even if it is in a category where they have course creator rights.
Deleting a course
There is no user interface for course creators to delete courses they have created, however they can do so by editing the URL of the course from http://yourmoodlesite.net/course/view.php?id=N to http://yourmoodlesite.net/course/delete.php?id=N (replacing 'view' with 'delete').
Role assignment
A user may be assigned the role of course creator as a system role (in Settings > Site administration > Users > Permissions > Assign system roles) or in the course category context.
Role permissions
If you require a course creator to have additional permissions, it is recommended that the Manager role is used, rather than changing the course creator role permissions.