Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 2.1. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version is available here: Hub FAQ.


From MoodleDocs

This document lists some popular questions from the Hub server forum.

What is a hub server?

A hub server is a Moodle plugin. It transforms a freshly installed Moodle site into a hub server. A hub server is used to store course backups that have been shared by registered Moodle sites. Publishers can also advertise their courses.

Can I use a hub server as a normal Moodle site?

For security reasons it is better not to do so.

Is the hub server plugin code maintained by Moodle HQ?


Should I update the Moodle code hosting a hub server plugin when I update this plugin?

Yes, always.

Should the registered sites be updated when I update my hub server plugin?

No, they don't have to be updated as the plugin is backwards compatible. However sometimes new functionalities require changes in both Moodle and plugin code. In these cases, the new functionalities will not be operational until the plugin and the registered sites are updated.

Where can I download hub server plugin?

The hub server plugin is available for download from the modules and plugins database

What is Mooch?

Mooch is the hub server. It is a public hub and it is managed by

Can I sell courses on Mooch?

Not yet but it is planned. See MDL-25496 for details.

Can I share a course with a specific theme?

Yes you can. However it is better to indicate in the publication creator notes that the theme will only be activated if:

  • The theme is installed
  • Course themes are enabled for the site

Can I share a course using a contributed module/block?

Yes. If this module/block is Moodle 2.0 compatible (with support for backup and restore in 2.0), the module and its data will be added to the shared course backup.

Can I share a course using a contributed local plugin?

The local plugin would need to be already installed on the destination Moodle site. Then this local plugin would need to be set up. Use publication creator notes to explain it. Note that sharing does not save information related to a local plugin (i.e. the local plugin database is not backed up).

Can I share Moodle 1.9 courses?

It is not possible to share courses directly from a Moodle 1.9 site. However it is possible as follows:

  1. Backup your course
  2. Restore your course into a Moodle 2.1 site
  3. Share your course

I get an error when attempting to publish a course

The most likely cause of the error "An error occurred during the course publication (Access control exception | DEBUG INFO: Invalid token - token not found). Please try again later." is that the token is shared by multiple sites.

The solution is to unregister then reregister your Moodle site. See MDL-32590 for more details.

See also