Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 2.1. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version is available here: Capabilities/moodle/notes:view.


From MoodleDocs
  • This allows a user to view Notes (where Notes have been enabled on your site)
  • Users can only view Notes that have been created within the same context to which their Role has been assigned (e.g. Site, Course, Personal/User)
  • The default Manager, Teacher and Non-Editing Teacher role has this capability set to Allow
  • The default Course Creator and Student role has this capability Not Set.
  • To allow user Course Creator and Students access to Notes go to Administration/Users/Permissions/Define roles and change this Capability to Allow.
  • Note that an Admin, Manager or Teacher may have used the Notes functionality to create private and/or teaching notes regarding a user and changing this user's permissions will give them access to this information