Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 2.0. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version is available here: Flickr public repository.

Flickr public repository

From MoodleDocs
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The Flickr public repository enables a user to search Flickr and copy files from there into any of the Moodle file interfaces.

Flickr public repository setup

Location: Settings > Site administration > Modules > Repositories > Manage repositories

This page lets a site administrator configure access to a Flickr Public repository.

To set this repository up you need to set the following field:

  • API Key

Setting up a Flickr API

To get your API Key you need to create an App inside your Flickr account. Visit this link to start creating your own API Key.

  1. Click the "Get Another Key" button to start creating your App. get-another-key.png
  2. Choose "Apply for a Non-commercial Key"
  3. Enter a title and brief description for the App (i.e. Moodle to Flickr Access - App to allow Moodle to access Flickr through it's repository API)
  4. Tick the two boxes to show your agreement to Flickr's terms of use and then click submit.
  5. You will now have the key for the new app. Copy and paste this into the field in your Moodle Flickr public configuration page.
  6. Click save on the Moodle Flickr public configuration page.
  7. Click "Save Changes"

You should now have a working Flickr public repository. Try adding a file from Flickr as a resource in Moodle to test it!

See also