Useful info from Backup - U, old, pre Moodle 2, only some info useful to re-use Backup_2.0 - OU, Jan 11, needs work, has 1.9 -> 2.0 section (oft asked), Merge Site_backup and Backup_2.0 into one page that would the main page for this section? Backup_FAQ - GU, Jan 11,22 Q&A, includes Moodle 2 (what's new) info but check all other FAQ for accuracy in Moodle 2 Course_restore - OU, Nov 10, useful general info but not consistent with Moodle 2, points to Backup_2.0 point to places sharing courses (Hubs!) and activities (DB DB, Glossary DB...) Site_backup - good but check how well this still applies to Moodle 2? Merge Site_backup and Backup_2.0 into one page that would the main page for this section also handy to at least link to Tools_for_backing_up_server_files...