Note: HEADS UP: MNet support will end in Moodle 2.3
What is MNet?
MNet is the mechanism in Moodle for connecting to other Moodle (or Mahara) sites. It's short for "Moodle networking". See MNet for more information.
It doesn't work. What do I do now?
- make sure that you have the latest version of Moodle 1.9Stable
- make sure xmlrpc is installed, Please go to your phpinfo page and search for --with-xmlrpc. If your php has not been compiled with xmlrpc then you need to address that! At present it appears that PEAR xmlrpc will not work.
- make sure that openssl is installed, Please go to your phpinfo page and search for openssl. If your php has not been compiled with openssl then you need to address that.
- make sure you have debugging turned on (Site Administration > Server > Debugging). This will greatly increase the chance of the underlying problem being reported.
- Note that MNET does not currently work on lighttpd. (MDL-14638) This should be fixed in lighttpd 1.5 when it is released.
I've set up the keys and configured Moodle Networking, but when I try to SSO into Mahara, it doesn't work
This problem could be due to a PHP bug in libxml2 2.7.1 (the same bug reported with version 2.7.2 and 2.7.3). check the server > PHP info page to see what version of libxml is installed - if you have one of versions mentioned - check out the FAQ here for details on how to fix it: Backup_FAQ#Restoring_a_course_results_in_broken_HTML_tags._What_can_I_do.3F
Moodle doesn't generate any keys on the networking pages
This could be because PHP cannot find the openssl.cnf file on your server - this is a very common issue on windows servers. To address this you must set the path to this file in your config.php file - first find the openssl.cnf file on your server then add it's location into your config.php file like this:
$CFG->opensslcnf = 'C:/apache2/bin/openssl.cnf';
Note: this file could potentially be located anywhere on your server, just make sure the full path and name of the file is correct.
Note: this could also effect Mahara. On Mahara you can also added this to the config table in the database.
Note: this also happens on RHEL5 and RHEL5 based operating systems. The path the file is "/etc/pki/tls/openssl.cnf". RHEL is RedHat Enterprise Linux.
See also
- Using Moodle Moodle networking (MNet) forum
Using Moodle forum discussions: