Attention : vous consultez actuellement la documentation dédiée aux versions 1.x de Moodle. La documentation pour les versions 2.x de Moodle est consultable ici : Activer le mode édition, celle pour les versions 3.x de Moodle est consultable ici : Activer le mode édition et celle pour Moodle 4.x est consultable là : Activer le mode édition.

Activer le mode édition

De MoodleDocs
Révision datée du 20 avril 2006 à 20:48 par Nicolas Martignoni (discussion | contributions) (1ère version (à traduire))
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The turning editing on option can be found as a link in the administration block or as a button at the top right of a course homepage. This option is only available to teachers of the course who also have editing rights or to those users who are assigned site administration rights. Turn editing on allows teachers to change the appearance and functionality of the course. You can turn editing off again by pressing the button or the admin block link again (both now renamed turn editing off!)

You will see these icons frequently when editing is on:

Edit.gif - the edit icon lets you alter/update whatever resource or activity it is next to.
Help.gif - the help icon will popup a relevant help window


Existing blocks can be moved up, down or sent to the right or left column of the course. They can also be set to visible or hidden. They can be removed completely by pressing the X icon.

You will see these icons when editing blocks:

Block open.gif - the block is visible. Clicking the eye will hide the block from students
Block closed.gif - the block is hidden. Clicking the eye will show the block to students
Block delete.gif - clicking this icon will remove the block from the course
Block up.gif - this icon will move the block upwards
Block down.gif - this icon will move the block down
Block left.gif - this icon will move the block to the bottom of the left column
Block right.gif - this icon will move the block to the bottom of the right icon


Topics or weeks (either casn also be refered to as sections) can be moved up or down to change the order in which the course is dispayed. Sections can also be hidden from, or made visible to, learners. If the course is topic based then a topic can be set as current (or indeed the current status can be removed).

Open.gif - the open-eye icon means an item is visible to students. It will close when you click on it
Closed.gif - the closed-eye icon means an item is hidden from students. It will open when you click on it.
Marker.gif - the marker icon allows you to make a section current

The following icons are visible when editing is both on and off

One.gif - This icon is used to show only the selected section
All.gif - This icon is used to show all sections in a course

Course Functionaility

Course resources and activities can be added, removed, indented, moved, updated, deleted, hidden, shown or assigned to groups

Right.gif - the left icon is used to indent course elements. There is also a left icon.
Move.gif - the move icon allows course elements to be placed anywhere
Movehere.gif - the move here icon appears when moving a course element.
Delete.gif - the delete icon will permentantly delete something from the course

See Also