Attention : vous consultez actuellement la documentation dédiée aux versions 1.x de Moodle. La documentation pour les versions 2.x de Moodle est consultable ici : Notes de mise à jour de Moodle 2.0, celle pour les versions 3.x de Moodle est consultable ici : Notes de mise à jour de Moodle 2.0 et celle pour Moodle 4.x est consultable là : Notes de mise à jour de Moodle 2.0.

« Notes de mise à jour de Moodle 2.0 » : différence entre les versions

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Date de sortie : prévu le '''20 juillet 2010'''
Avant la version finale, il y a plusieurs pré-versions. Il s'agit de permettre à un plus large éventail de développeurs et contributeurs de tester le code sur des copies de leurs serveurs de production, pour aider à peaufiner l'interface et les performances, et de travailler sur les traductions, modules et autres codes de tiers (dont la plupart devront être réécrit de manière significative).
* [[:en:Moodle 2.0 Preview 1 release notes]] - May 4, 2010
* [[:en:Moodle 2.0 Preview 2 release notes]] - May 17, 2010
* [[:en:Moodle 2.0 Preview 3 release notes]] - May 31, 2010
* [[:en:Moodle 2.0 Preview 4 release notes]] - June 30, 2010
* [[:en:Moodle 2.0 Preview 5 release notes]]
Moodle 2.0 contient un grand nombre de nouvelles fonctionnalités, d'autres ont été complètement réécrites, et il y a des centaines de corrections de bugs. Voici la liste des [ détails sur les évolutions et corrections de bogues] de cette version 2.0 (en anglais).
Cette page est un résumé des éléments les plus importants (des liens et copies d'écrans viendront plus tard).
== Nouvelles fonctionnalités ==
=== Community hubs ===
* Anybody can set up a Community Hub, which is a directory of courses for public use or for private communities.  The code is implemented as separate GPL plugin for Moodle.
* Sites can register to any Community Hub (instead of just
* Teachers on registered sites can publish their full courses to Community Hubs, for download
* Teachers on registered sites can also advertise their courses on Community Hubs, for people to join
* Teachers on any site can search all public Community Hubs and download courses as templates for their own courses
* Users on any Moodle site can also search Community Hubs for courses (and communities of practice) to participate in.  Initially we are encouraging ''''communities of teaching practice'''' but any sort of course can be listed.
=== Repository support ===
* Moodle now supports integration with external repositories of content, making it really simple to bring documents and media into Moodle via an AJAX interface that looks like a standard '''Open''' dialogue in desktop applications.
* Initial plugins in 2.0 include: Alfresco, Amazon S3,, File system on Server, Flickr, Google Docs, Mahara, MERLOT, Picasa, Recent Files, Remote Moodle sites, WebDAV servers, Wikimedia, Youtube.  These are simple to develop, so many more are expected.
* You can also import files from your desktop or by specifying a URL.
=== Portfolio support ===
* Modules can now export their data to external systems, particularly useful for portfolios where snapshots of forums, assignments and other things in Moodle are useful to record in a journal or a portfolio of evidence
* Different formats are supported (currently LEAP2A, HTML, Images and Text, but others like PDF can be added)
* Initial plugins in 2.0 include:, Flickr, Google Docs, '''Mahara''' and Picasa.
=== Completion ===
* Teachers can now specify conditions that define when any '''activity''' is seen as completed by a student.  For example, when a certain number of posts have been made, or a grade has been reached, or a choice has been made. 
* Teachers can now specify conditions that define with any '''course''' is seen as completed by a student.  Conditions include activity completion, but could also be by grade, date or a number of other criteria.
* Teachers and students can see reports that show the progress of any user within a course, or through a series of courses.
=== Activités conditionnelles ===
* Access to activities can be restricted based on certain criteria, such as dates, grade obtained, or the completion of another activity. 
* These can be chained together to enable progressive disclosure of the course content, if that is desired.
=== Cohortes ===
* Also known as "Site-wide groups", these are site-wide collections of users that can be enrolled into courses in one action, either manually or synchronised automatically
=== Web services support ===
* Support for standards-based web services across the entire Moodle code base, allowing the admin to expose particular functions of Moodle for use by:
** Administrative systems such as HR or SIS applications
** Mobile clients
* Framework contains a very high-level of security with a detailed token system and complete control over the range of functions exposed
* All defined functions are automatically available via:
** AMF (Flash)
=== IMS Common Cartridge ===
* Moodle can now import courses in IMS Common Cartridge format (commonly used by publishers)
=== Nouveaux blocs ===
* Comments block - like a shoutbox, allows comments to be added to any page. Great for student feedback.
* Private files block - allows easy access to one's private file repository in Moodle (with quota support)
* Community block - keeps track of external courses one is interested in
* Completion block - reports on the completion status of your courses
== Améliorations majeures de fonctionnalités du cœur de Moodle ==
=== Sauvegarde et restauration ===
* Completely rewritten Backup/Restore framework, no longer bound by memory (can work with '''any size course''').
* Completely new backup format.
* Improved interface.
* Backup can be made of whole courses, but also specific sections or activities.
=== Blocs ===
* Blocks are now consistently implemented on every page in Moodle
* No longer any limit to the block regions (in addition to left and right, put them at the top, center or bottom of pages)
* Any block can be made sticky (appears in all the contexts below, eg throughout a course).
* Blocks can be "docked" on the side of the screen (if the theme supports it)
=== Blog ===
* Support for comments on each blog entry
* Removal of group-level and course-level blogs (these are converted into forums on upgrade)
* Support for external blog feeds (synchronised to Moodle blog)
=== Commentaires ===
* User comments (Glossaries, Databases, Blogs, etc) are now all consistently handled  and displayed throughout Moodle, using AJAX if available
* User activity reports will include all the comments made by that user
=== Plugins d'inscription ===
* Major improvements in the handling of guests and guest accounts
* Support for multiple forms of enrolment at the same time
* More detailed control over enrolment in courses
=== Gestion des fichiers ===
* Full support for Unicode file names on all operating systems.
* Metadata about each file (author, date, license, etc) and what the file is used for are stored in the database.
* Duplicate files (for example, a large video file use in two different courses) are only stored once, saving disk space.
* Files are no longer just "uploaded to the course".  Files are connected to the particular bit of Moodle content that uses them. (For example, a file may belong to a file resource, a forum post or a wiki page). Access to these files is then controlled by the same rules as as that bit of Moodle, increasing security.
=== Carnet de notes ===
* Details coming soon
=== Éditeur HTML ===
* New editor based on TinyMCE
* Works on more browsers
* Resizable editing area
* Cleaner XHTML output
* Full integration with configured external repositories to import and embed media into text
=== Messagerie ===
* All email sent by Moodle is now treated as a message
* A message overview panel allows users to control how messages are sent to them
* Initial message output plugins in Moodle 2.0 include: Email, Jabber and Popups
=== Mon Moodle ===
* More customisable My Moodle page with new blocks for showing relevant information
* Admin can design (and optionally force) site-wide layouts for My Moodle
* My Moodle page given more prominence as the main "home page" for users
=== Navigation ===
* Standard "Navigation" block on every page showing contextual links, while allowing you to jump elsewhere quickly
* Standard "Settings" blocks on every page shows contextual settings as well as settings for anything else you have permissions for
=== Ratings ===
* User ratings (Glossaries, Databases, Forums, etc) are now all consistently handled and displayed throughout Moodle, using AJAX if available
* Aggregation of using ratings into activity grades is now standardised in all activities
=== Rôles et permissions ===
* Improved and simplified AJAX interfaces for defining and assigning roles
* Improved and simplified interfaces for tweaking permissions in any given context
* New "Archetypes" concept replacing the "Legacy roles" concept.
* New archetype "manager" to define the role of most people with system-wide editing rights, separate from "admin" role.
=== Flux RSS ===
* All RSS feeds are now secured using a random per-user token in the URL
* Tokens can be updated by the user at any time (if they suspect a feed URL has been compromised)
* RSS feeds are now more accurate (eg they support forums with separate groups), and are generated efficiently whenever required
=== Thèmes ===
* Many new themes in the core distribution
* All HTML and JS ouput is now far more efficient (server-side caching) and consistent (tableless layout, new CSS, YUI Framework)
* Themes can change the HTML of the page if they wish
* Core support for custom menus in all themes (for example at the top of the page)
=== Système de traduction ===
* [ New web portal] to make it easer for groups to collaborate on translating Moodle, and to keep their translations up-to-date.
* More efficient [[:en:Development:Languages/AMOS|storage format for language strings]] should slightly improve performance.
=== User profile pages ===
* Site-wide user profile page can be customised by users with blocks, news, feeds and so on
* Course-specific user profile pages show course blocks and standard profile information, plus information for teachers of that course
== Améliorations majeures de modules d'activité ==
=== Leçon ===
* Refactored internal code
* Forms are now standard Moodle forms
=== Module Test et banque de questions ===
* [[:en:Development:quiz_navigation|Quiz navigation improvements for students]]
* [[:en:Development:Flagging_questions_during_a_quiz_attempt|Flagging questions during a quiz attempt]]
* [[:en:Development:Quiz_report_enhancements|Quiz report enhancements]] - Major improvements to the quiz reports, especially regrading and item analysis
* [[:en:Development:Quiz_UI_redesign|Quiz editing interface improvements]]
* Different settings (open/close date, number of attempts, password, time limit) for each group or student (MDL-16478)
* [[:en:Development:Administration page for question types|Administration page for question types]]
* [[:en:Development:Moodle 2.0 question bank improvements|Question tagging and improved searching in the question bank]]
* MDL-8648 Essay questions can now be randomised by random questions
=== Ressource ===
* All the resource types have been refactored into real modules, and cleaned up
** File - for displaying a file, possibly with supporting files (like a HTML mini-site)
** Folder - for displaying a collection of documents
** URL - for displaying a page with a given URL
** Page - for a single page, edited online using the HTML editor
** IMS - for showing a regular IMS content package
* Better XHTML-compliant support for frames, iframes and embedding in all these modules
=== SCORM ===
* New [[:en:SCORM module]] settings - display attempt status, display course structure, force completed, force new attempt, lock after final attempt - allowing the behaviour dictated to the SCORM object by the authoring package to be changed MDL-11501
* New reporting interface including sortable/collapsible table with group select box and ability to download in Excel, ODS and text format MDL-21555
=== Wiki ===
* Completely re-written from scratch, based on NWIki from UPC
* Support for Mediawiki-style syntax, as well as Creole
* Interface improvements
=== Atelier ===
* Completely rewritten from scratch
* Vastly improved interface for managing stages and users
== Prérequis système ==
Moodle 2.0 étant une version majeure, nous nous permettons quelques augmentations dans les exigences système.
* [[Environnement#Moodle 2.0|PHP 5.2.8]] (sorti le 8/12/2008) est la version minimale requise. Nous sommes conscients que plusieurs distributions Linux utilisent toujours des versions antérieures, comme la version 5.2.6, mais la version 5.2.x minimum est nécessaire pour la nouvelle API de fichier, et il y a des bogues dans les versions jusqu'à 5.2.7 que nous ne pouvons pas contourner. Cela permet aux développeurs d'écrire du code plus propre en utilisant les fonctionnalités récentes de PHP, et permettra également d'améliorer l'usage pour les utilisateurs.
* Les bases de données supportées sont les suivantes :
** MySQL 5.0.25 ou ultérieur (stockage InnoDB fortement recommandé)
** PostgreSQL 8.3 ou ultérieur
** Oracle 10.2 ou ultérieur
** MS SQL 2005 ou ultérieur
* Un navigateur internet respectant les standards de ces dernières années, par exemple :
** Firefox 3 ou version ultérieure
** Safari 3 ou version ultérieure
** Google Chrome 4 ou version ultérieure
** Opera 9 ou version ultérieure
** MS Internet Explorer 7 ou version ultérieure (Même [Google ne supporte plus IE6])
== Informations sur la mise à jour ==
* Pour [[Mise à jour à Moodle 2.0|passer à Moodle 2.0]], vous '''devez''' avoir Moodle 1.9 ou ultérieur installé. Si vous utilisez une version plus ancienne (comme 1.8.x), vous devez d'abord [[Mise à jour à Moodle 1.9|passer à Moodle 1.9]].
* Nous vous recommandons très fortement de tester la mise à jour sur une ''copie'' de votre site de production, afin de tester que tout fonctionne comme prévu.
== Pour les développeurs : changement dans les API ==
Voir [[:en:Development:Migrating_contrib_code_to_2.0|comment migrer le code pour Moodle 2.0]] (en anglais)
* [[:en:Development:DB_layer_2.0_migration_docs|Database layer changes]] - you will need to update your code.
* [[:en:Development:Using_the_file_API|File handling changes]] - you will need to update your code.
* [[:en:Development:Migrating your code code to the 2.0 rendering API|Rendering layer changes]] - should be mostly backwards compatible, but you are advised to upgrade your code.
* Require capability used to do an automatic require_login. It no longer does so. All pages must explicitly call require_login if they need it. MDL-19882
* [[:en:Development:Moodle_2.0_question_type_API_changes|Changes to the question type API]]
* MNet has been refactored and tidied up - related third party code needs to be checked
* Changes and improvements to the [[:en:Development:Local_customisation|Local customisation system]].
* Javascript
<noinclude>== Voir aussi ==
* Les instructions d'[[Installation de Moodle|installation de Moodle]]
* Les instructions de [[Mise à jour|mise à jour]] vers [[Mise à jour à Moodle 2.0|Moodle 2.0]]
* [[Notes de mise à jour]]
[[Catégorie:Notes de mises à jour]]
[[Catégorie:Moodle 2.0]]
[[en:Moodle 2.0 release notes]]

Dernière version du 4 décembre 2012 à 13:26

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