Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 1.9. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version is available here: Workshop 2.0 specification.

Development:Workshop 2.0 specification

From MoodleDocs

Note: This article is a work in progress. Please use the page comments or an appropriate forum for any recommendations/suggestions for improvement.

Moodle 2.0

This page tracks and summarizes the progress of my attempt to try and rewrite the Workshop module for Moodle 2.0 (yes, yet another attempt).



Workshop module is an advanced Moodle activity designed for peer-assessments within a structured review/feedback/grading framework. It is generally agreed the Workshop module has a huge pedagogical potential and there is quite a big demand of the community (including some Moodle Partners) to have such module. It was originally written by Ray Kingdon, and was the very first third-party module written for Moodle. For a long time it's been largely un-maintained except for emergency fixes by various developers to keep it operational. During last years, several attempts were done by various volunteers to rewrite the module or to replace it with an alternative. At the moment it is removed from the HEAD branch and lies in the CONTRIB area. This document specifies the proposed way of revitalizing the Workshop module so it becomes the standard core module again in Moodle 2.0.

Key concepts

There are two key features making the Workshop module unique among other Moodle activies

  • Advanced grading methods - contrary to the standard Assignment module, Workshop supports more structured forms of assessment/evaluation/grading. Teacher defines several aspects of the work, they are assessed separately and then aggregated. Examples include multi-criterion evaluation and rubrics.
  • Peer-assessment - according to some psychology/education theories (for example the Bloom's taxonomy), the evaluation is one of the highest level of cognitive operations. It implicitly requires paying attention, understanding the concepts, critical thinking, knowledge applying and analysing of a subject being evaluated. Peer-assessment fits very well into the social constructionist model of learning. In Workshop, students not only create (which is the other non-trivial cognitive operation) and submit their own work. They also participate on the assessment of others' submissions, give them feedback and suggest a grade for them. The Workshop module provides some (semi)automatic ways how to measure the quality of the peer-assessment and calculates a "grading grade", ie. the grade for how well a student assessed her peers. Peer-assessment gives opportunity to see other work and learn from it, formulate quality feedback which will enhance learning, learn from feedback of more than one person (i.e. the teacher)

Basic scenario of the module usage

UML: Basic teacher's and student's use cases

The following scenario includes all supported workshop features and phases. Some of them are optional, eg. teacher may decide to disable the peer-assessment completely so the Workshop behaves similarly to the Assignment module with the benefit of multi-criteria evaluation.

  1. Workshop setup - teacher prepares workshop assignment (eg. an essay, research paper etc.) and sets up various aspects of the activity instance. Especially, the grading strategy (see below) has to be chosen and the assessment elements (criteria) defined.
  2. Examples from teacher (optional)
    1. teacher publishes example submissions - eg. examples of a good work and a poor work
    2. teacher publishes example assessments of the example submissions. Again, there may (and should, in fact) be an example of very well done evaluation/assessment and an example of a poor one.
    3. students can try and train the process of assessment of example submissions (this part to be discussed: how would the module compute the grading grade?)
  3. Students work on their submissions - the typical result is a file (several files?) that can be submitted into the workshop (together with a comment maybe?). Students may upload draft version of their work before they decide it is a final submission (or there is a deadline for submissions). Other types of work are possible using the new Repository API - eg. students can prepare a view in Mahara, GoogleDoc, publish video at YouTube etc.
  4. Self-assessment (optional) - after the work is submitted, the student is asked to assess her own work using the selected grading strategy evaluation form
  5. Peer-assessment (optional) - the module randomly selects a given number of submissions to be reviewed/commented/evaluated/assessed by student.
  6. Assessment by teacher (optional)
    1. teacher manually evaluates submissions using the selected grading strategy evaluation form
    2. teacher manually evaluates the quality of peer-assessments
  7. Final grade aggregation - TODO: more research of the current code and behaviour is still needed in this area
    1. generally, the final grade consists of a grade for submission and grade for assessments
    2. every grading strategy defines how the final grade is computed

Pedagogical use cases

Simple assignment with advanced grading strategy

  • Students submit just one file as they do in Assignment module
  • No peer grading
  • Several dimensions (criteria) of the assessment
  • Weighted mean aggregation
  • if only one dimension is used, the Workshop behaves like an ordinary Assignment

Teacher does not have time to evaluate submissions

  • Dozens/hundreds of students in the class, everyone submits an essay
  • Every student is given a set of, say, five submissions from peers to review and evaluate
  • The review process is bi-anonymous - the author does not know who reviewers are, the reviewer does not know who the author is
  • The teacher randomly picks some peer-assessments and grade their quality
  • The grading grade is automatically calculated according to the level of reliability. If reviewers did not reach a required level of the consensus (ie. the peer-assessments vary a lot), the teacher is noticed and asked for the assessment. The assessment of teacher is given more weight so it (hopefule) helps to decide and calculate the final grade for the author and the grading grades for the reviewers.
  • When the teacher is happy about the results, she pushes the final grades into the course Gradebook.

Presentations and performance

  • Students submits their slides and give a presentation in class
  • Peer feedback on submitted materials and live presentation
  • Randomly assigning assessments is a motivation to pay attention and take good notes

Activity focused on work quality

  • No grading, just comments from teacher and peers
  • Re-submissions allowed
  • Manually switching between submission phase, assessment phase, (re)submission phase, (re)assessment phase etc as needed

Examples of evaluation elements/criteria

  • Has less than 3 spelling errors (Yes/No)
  • Has no formatting issues (Yes/No)
  • Has creative ideas (Yes/No)
  • Meets length requirements (Yes/No)
  • An excellent paper | A mediocre paper | A weak paper (Scale, descriptions of three levels in the scoring rubric)

Current implementation problems

  • Very old and unmaintained code - the vast majority of the code is the same as it was in Moodle 1.1. mforms are not used (accessibility). Missing modularity. No unit testing.
  • Does not talk with the Gradebook - there are some patches around in forums fixing partial problems.
  • User interface and usability
  • Grades calculation is kind of dark magic - see this discussion. It is not easy to understand the way how Workshop calculates the grading grade even if you read the code that actually does the calculation. More than that, the whole algorithm depends on a set of strange constants without any explanation or reasoning of the value. The grade calculation must be clear and easy to understand to both teacher and student. Teachers must be always able to explain why students got their final grades. Therefore the plan is to get rid of the fog above the grades calculation, even if it breaks backward compatibility.
  • Lack of custom scales support - see this discussion
  • Phases overlapping, balancing, overall allocation issues - see this discussion

Project analysis

See the project analysis mindmap

Project schedule

Milestone 1

  • Date: 15/05/2009
  • Goal: The functional specification is in docs wiki and is reviewed and agreed by the community and Moodle HQ. The implementation plan is transferred into sub-tasks in the tracker.

Milestone 2

  • Date: 15/07/2009
  • Goal: All features implemented. The community is asked for the testing.

Milestone 3

  • Date: 15/08/2009
  • Goal: Major bugs fixed, upgrading from pre-2.0 versions works. The community is asked for the QA testing.

Milestone 4

  • Date: 15/09/2009
  • Goal: The module is moved from contrib back to the core.

User interaface mockups

Implementation plan

The structure of the code

Files, libraries, interfaces, classes, unit tests

DB tables


File API integration

How Workshop will use the new File API.

Repository/portfolio API integration

If and how will be implemented.

Grading strategies

NOTE: We are currently working on this part of specification, see - the Google doc

Grading strategy is a way how submissions are assessed and how the grade for them (and for the assessment, too) are aggregated. Currently (as of Moodle 1.9), the Workshop contains the following grading strategies: No Grading, Accumulative, Error Banded, Criterion, or Rubric.

My original idea was to have grading strategies as separate subplugins with their own db/install.xml, db/upgrade.php, db/access.php and lang/en_utf8/ - similar to what question/types/ have. This pluggable architecture would allow to easily implement custom grading strategies, eg. national-curriculum specific. However, Petr Škoda gave -2 to such proposal given that the Moodle core doesn't support them right now. So, from the DB tables, capabilities and language files perspective, grading strategies have to be part of monolithic module architecture.

Technically, grading strategies are classes defined in mod/workshop/grading/strategyname/strategy.php. Grading strategy class has to implement workshop_grading_strategy interface, either directly or via inheritance.

interface workshop_grading_strategy { }

class workshop_strategyname_strategy implements workshop_grading_strategy { }

abstract class workshop_base_strategy implements workshop_grading_strategy { }

class workshop_strategyname_strategy extends workshop_base_strategy { }

Grading strategy classes basically provide grading forms and calculate grades. During the current phase, four strategies will be implemented. Grading strategy of a given workshop can not be changed after a work has been submitted.

See MDL-18912 for UI mockups of grading forms.

No grading

  • No grades are given to the submitted work and/or assessments, just comments.
  • This may be used to practice submitting work and assessing peers' work through comment boxes (small textareas).


Error banded

  • Grade is based on a Yes/No, Present/Missing, Good/Poor or similar bi-item scale and specific qualifying statements (criteria/elements) defined by teacher.
  • This may be used to make sure that certain criteria were addressed in article reviews.


  • See the description of this scoring tool at Wikipedia
  • This may be used to assess research papers or to assess papers in which different books were critiqued.
  • Merges the current Rubrics and Criterion strategy into a single one. Conceptually, current Criterion is just the one dimension of Rubrics.

Out of scope

What are not goals of this project (may be discussed later for 2.1 etc.)

  • Generally no new/other grading strategies are to implement in the current phase
  • No new Workshop features will be implemented - remember this is a revitalization of the current behaviour, not a new module
  • No group grading support - every student submits his/her individual work
  • Outcomes integration - it appears to me logical to integrate Outcomes directly into the Workshop. What about an Outcomes grading strategy subplugin, so peers can assess using outcomes description and scales.

To be discussed/decided

Other links and resources



Many thanks to Stephan Rinke for his valuable comments and ideas.