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Talk:Create grouping

From MoodleDocs

Chris was going to add the example below but I don't think 1.8 works that way.--Chris collman 15:54, 13 April 2007 (CDT)


1 Your course has five students: Alice, Bob, Charlie, David and Eve. 2 You create two groupings - 'Interest Grouping 1' and 'Language Grouping 2'. You create three groups for Interest Grouping 1 called Group X, Group Y and Group Z and you create two groups in Language 2 called 'English students' and 'Scottish students'. 3 You put Alice and Bob in Group X, Charlie and David in Group Y and Eve in Group Z. 4 You put Alice and Charlie in 'English students' and Bob and Eve in 'Scottish students' (David is Welsh so we don't put him into a group at all). 5 You now create a wiki and a forum. You assign Interest grouping 1 to the wiki and Grouping 2 to the forum. 6 The wiki now uses the groups Group X, Group Y and Group Z. The forum now uses the 'English student' and 'Scottish students' groups. As David isn't in any of the groups for Grouping 2, he doesn't even see that the forum exists.

What Chris does not get

What I don't get is how to assign a group to a forum, for example. It is possible to view only your group's forum entries and not see other group's entries (via the Common Module Settings, group mode, seperate groups). The same thing for a wiki. As best I can tell, these settings do not prevent a group from participating in that activity. It may prevent a person who is not assigned to any group from entering the forum or wiki.

I don't see the grouping functionality yet. It has added another level of sorting. I don't see activities being limited to a specific group either. --Chris collman 15:54, 13 April 2007 (CDT)