Peer Review Assignment Type
- The Peer Review Assignment Type allows students to submit documents then review the work of other students.
- It can be used in classes of 5 or more (usually large classes) and can be used to streamline a series of assignments in a course.
- It manages the relationships between students without teacher intervention, but with teacher oversight through moderation.
Compared to other Peer Review systems, this system allows...
- Single deadline
- Single step submit-review
- Working ahead / falling behind
- Online text or submitted document
- Review metrics and analysis
- Reusable instructor comments
- Tracking moderations
- Flagging bad reviews
- Simple, objective binary criteria
Benefits for Students and Teachers
- Evaluation (higher order thinking)
- Student involvement in the assessment process
- More feedback
- Learning community
- Streamlined marking process and reduced marking load
- Module code
- Moodle Modules Posting (Please add comments here)
- Bug Tracker Page (Please report bugs here)
- CVS Repository
- Screenshots and more information
This module is an Assignment Type. To install an assignment type...
- Unzip the
folder to/mod/assignment/type/
- Visit the notifications page and the module will install.
Versions before Moodle 1.9.7
If you are using Moodle version 1.9.6 or earlier, there is a problem with language files for assignment types (MDL-16796) that you will need to resolve manually. This involves patching the mod/assignment/lib.php
file so the assignment module will look for the assignment type title in the appropriate language file.
Alternately, you can add the following line to the /mod/lang/en_utf8/assignment.php
file (and equivalent language files for other languages).
$string['typepeerreview'] = 'Peer Review';
In either case, in order to allow the module to install, you will need to lower the minimum version number for the Peer Review Assignment Type (in /mod/assignment/type/peerreview/version.php
) to be the same as your Moodle version number (in /version.php
There are no guarantees this will work for versions before Moodle 1.9.5.
Testing the Module
In order to test the module, you need to simulate a series of submissions and reviews. Set up six or more dummy accounts, each with your email address; set up a Peer Review assignment (see below); login as each dummy student and submit; you will have to login a second time after the initial pooling to review. After the fifth submission, students can submit and review in immediate succession. Logout and login again as the teacher or administrator. You will be able to test the moderation and grading facilities and see the effect of these actions.
Setting Up a Peer Review Assignment
- Inform students of the reasons why you are using peer review. Focus on the learning benefits for students. Admit that this process saves marking time, but that time will be used to benefit students in other ways.
- Select Peer Review (under Assignments) from the Activities menu
- Enter the General assignment settings as for other assignments Adding/editing_an_assignment. You may want to discuss the peer review process. A template that you can copy and paste into the description is provided here.
- Under Peer Review you have settings specific to Peer Review assignments
- Choose whether you want students to submit a document or to enter text online
- If you want students to submit a document, set the maximum file size and the file type (fixed to a single type to ensure students can open other student's work)
- Students can be rewarded for each of the two reviews they will complete. This reward value is a portion of the Grade value set in the General settings above.
- As at version 2010050700, groups are not supported with this assignment type.
- Click Save and Display and you should be taken to the Criteria page. For information about writing criteria see Writing Criteria docs page or the help file linked from the Criteria page.
- Once criteria are set, sit back and let the system handle submissions and review allocations. You can keep an eye on the Submissions tab to follow this process.
- Once the assignment deadline has passed, go to the Submissions tab. Before marks can be awarded, all conflicts between peer reviews should be resolved. It is sometimes the case that students have not received two reviews (either because a student has failed to complete reviews or the submission is one of the last). Teacher reviews override student reviews and resolve any conflicts.
- Once all conflicts are resolved, marks can be release individually or all at once (button at the bottom of Submissions tab page). Awarded marks should appear in the Gradebook for the course.
During and after the assignment, statistics are displayed on the Analysis tab. Advice is also provided to guide you on aspects of your assignment that could be improved.
- Pablo Angulo for providing a Spanish translation
- Joan Queralt Gil for providing a Catalan translation
- Damir Nemčanin for providing a Croatian translation
See Also
Author's Peer Review Assignment Type page