Lesson samples
The purpose of this page is to provide links to different kinds of demonstration lessons. The link maybe to an actual online Moodle lesson and/or a backup file that can be restored to another Moodle.
Some examples may not be complete Lessons, just examples of one or more techniques.
- Note: In Moodle 2.0 the name of a "branch table" page was changed to a "content" page. Both pages are the same in 2.0 and earlier versions.
Lesson as a Decision-Making(role play) Exercise
- Version: Made in Moodle 1.9.3.
- Description: A very basic role-play exercise where a student is put in the position of an alpine climber having to make life or death decisions. Shows simple examples of multi-choice questions and content pages (branch tables). Marked out of 12.
- Location backup file(size): Get the file from here It is one course with just the one lesson in it - 52.5KB
- Comment: There is a video tutorial on youtube here which takes you step by step through the process of creating the lesson above.
Overview lesson
- Version: Ported into Moodle 1.9 (Actual course last updated September 2006)
- Description: The link below goes to a backup of a course that includes Lesson demonstration initally created for 1.4 and ported into this 1.7 version.
- Location backup file(size): features demo backup here(1.6 MB)
- Location demo: Student only demo here
- Comment: After downloading this course, you should notice that there is a mistake in the lesson. It is carefully broken into parts with a Content page. However the second slide in is a start cluster page with a random jump associated with it. This makes a confusing presentation to a student.
Lesson demo.moodle
- Version: Moodle 1.9, initially written for 1.5 (prior to September 2006)
- Description: Section 7 contains a Lesson that introduces some basic concepts.
- Location backup file (size): Entire demo Moodle course backup. Or go to demo.moodle course log on as Admin and use (1.6 Mg as zip)
- Location demo: Log on as admin, student or teacher
- Comment:This is an entire course. Section 7 contains a single lesson which demonstrates some features of Lesson. Plus you can enter into the course as a student, teacher or administrator. Course contains examples of different file types.
Draft new Lesson demo example
- Version: Created in Moodle 1.9 (Dec 2007)
- Description: A backup course file that only contains 4 Lessons
- Location backup file (size): Tracker issue MDLSITE-304 (1.8 Mg). Select most recent upload (backup-demol_2-20071221-1031.zip was created on 21 Dec 2007).
- Location demo: There is no external link. Course has look and feel of demo.moodle.org course
- Comment:Located in a course that only contains a Topic #7. Purpose of this lesson is to demonstrate many features with simple examples, which will allow a foundation for a teacher to edit. Lesson 1 is the Basics, similar to current demo. Lesson 2 has an example of each question type. Lesson 3 presents advanced clusters and end of branch examples. Lesson 4 is a brief Flash Card type lesson. Course contains all files used in the 2006 demo, plus a few new ones used just in the Lesson.
Maze example
For an interesting use of content (branch tables) pages that create a maze, go to the Lesson thread and look for Joseph Rézeau post of Friday, 4 June 2010. Recommended is the Demo course and the Parking lesson maze adapted from Mazes, A problem-solving reader, by Marge Berer and Mario Rinvolucri, Heineman, 1981.
See also
- moodle.tokem.fi Go to teacher's manual and select lesson. For versions 1.5.4 and 1.6.4, a good supplement or alternative to MoodleDocs. Very hands on for specific type of teacher.