Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 1.9. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version is available here: Lesson samples.

Lesson samples

From MoodleDocs

The purpose of this page is to provide links to different kinds of demonstration lessons. The link maybe to an actual online Moodle lesson and/or a backup file that can be restored to another Moodle.

Some examples may not be complete Lessons, just examples of one or more techniques.

Note: In Moodle 2.0 the name of a "branch table" page was changed to a "content" page. Both pages are the same in 2.0 and earlier versions.

Lesson as a Decision-Making(role play) Exercise

  • Version: Made in Moodle 1.9.3.
  • Description: A very basic role-play exercise where a student is put in the position of an alpine climber having to make life or death decisions. Shows simple examples of multi-choice questions and content pages (branch tables). Marked out of 12.
  • Location backup file(size): Get the file from here It is one course with just the one lesson in it - 52.5KB
  • Comment: There is a video tutorial on youtube here which takes you step by step through the process of creating the lesson above.

Overview lesson

  • Version: Ported into Moodle 1.9 (Actual course last updated September 2006)
  • Description: The link below goes to a backup of a course that includes Lesson demonstration initally created for 1.4 and ported into this 1.7 version.
  • Location backup file(size): features demo backup here(1.6 MB)
  • Location demo: Student only demo here
  • Comment: After downloading this course, you should notice that there is a mistake in the lesson. It is carefully broken into parts with a Content page. However the second slide in is a start cluster page with a random jump associated with it. This makes a confusing presentation to a student.

Lesson demo.moodle

  • Version: Moodle 1.9, initially written for 1.5 (prior to September 2006)
  • Description: Section 7 contains a Lesson that introduces some basic concepts.
  • Location backup file (size): Entire demo Moodle course backup. Or go to demo.moodle course log on as Admin and use (1.6 Mg as zip)
  • Location demo: Log on as admin, student or teacher
  • Comment:This is an entire course. Section 7 contains a single lesson which demonstrates some features of Lesson. Plus you can enter into the course as a student, teacher or administrator. Course contains examples of different file types.

Draft new Lesson demo example

  • Version: Created in Moodle 1.9 (Dec 2007)
  • Description: A backup course file that only contains 4 Lessons
  • Location backup file (size): Tracker issue MDLSITE-304 (1.8 Mg). Select most recent upload ( was created on 21 Dec 2007).
  • Location demo: There is no external link. Course has look and feel of course
  • Comment:Located in a course that only contains a Topic #7. Purpose of this lesson is to demonstrate many features with simple examples, which will allow a foundation for a teacher to edit. Lesson 1 is the Basics, similar to current demo. Lesson 2 has an example of each question type. Lesson 3 presents advanced clusters and end of branch examples. Lesson 4 is a brief Flash Card type lesson. Course contains all files used in the 2006 demo, plus a few new ones used just in the Lesson.

Maze example

For an interesting use of content (branch tables) pages that create a maze, go to the Lesson thread and look for Joseph Rézeau post of Friday, 4 June 2010. Recommended is the Demo course and the Parking lesson maze adapted from Mazes, A problem-solving reader, by Marge Berer and Mario Rinvolucri, Heineman, 1981.

See also

  • Go to teacher's manual and select lesson. For versions 1.5.4 and 1.6.4, a good supplement or alternative to MoodleDocs. Very hands on for specific type of teacher.