Banc de preguntes

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Moodle1.6 Aquesta característica permet al professor crear, presentar i editar qüestions en un banc de preguntes de curs, una base de dades de preguntes. Aquestes preguntes podran ser incloses a qualsevol qüestionari o lliçó. El professor pot accedir al banc de preguntes creant o editant un qüestionari o a través del bloc d'Administració.Question Icon Administration Block.JPG

La pàgina inicial del banc de preguntes té unes pestanyes que permeten editar preguntes, editar categories, importar preguntes i exportar preguntes. Question bank tabs.gif

Seleccioneu una categoria

Les preguntes estan organitzades en categories. Al començament de cada curs tenen només una categoria que està denominada "Per defecte". ës una bona pràctica crear més categories `per a organitzar les vostres preguntes. Podeu crear una jerarquia de categories ja que es poden crear subcategories dins de cada categoria. Per afegir o editar categories feu clic a la pestanya Categories.

La pantalla d'edició de preguntes mostra les preguntes de la categoria seleccionada actualment. Podeu triar una categoria dins el menú desplegable Categoria. La casella de verificació de sota del menú determina si es mostres també les preguntes de totes les subcategories.

Les categories són compartides en contexts des del Moodle 1.9

Moodle1.9Des del Moodle 1.9 hi ha arbres de categoria de preguntes separats en cada 'context' diferent, en el quals es comparteixen preguntes. Els contexts disponibles depenen de si accediu al banc de preguntes des d'una activitat o des d'un curs i depèn també dels permisos assignats per a l'accés a les preguntes. Vegeu Question contexts per a més informació sobre els contexts.

Add a new question

  1. Click the Questions tab to access the Question Bank page, if not there already.
  2. From the Category drop-down menu, select a category you want to add a question to.
  3. The page will change to show the questions already in that category
  4. Select the question type you want to create from the Create new question drop-down menu.
  5. Fill in the form for the question type you are creating. Each question type has its own form and has its own options.
  6. Click Save Changes at the bottom of the form.

Preview, Edit, Delete, and Move

The first column in the list of questions contains a number of icons and a selection box.

Clicking on the Preview icon will open a preview window in which you can test the question. The Edit icon allows you to edit the question via the same form that you used to create it. The Delete icon deletes the question, provided it is not already in use in some activity. The selection box allows you to select a subset of questions that you can then move to another category using the controls below the list of questions.

Moodle1.9As of Moodle 1.9 the move icon allows you to move one question at a time.

Tips and tricks

  • Put the answer into the question name so you can quickly see the answers when students are asking for answers. This is especially useful if you're dealing with large sets of questions! (No option yet for viewing category or answer of question in the list of questions.)
  • Export questions in GIFT or Moodle XML formats, then import them into a Lesson. (Future versions of Moodle will make Question bank available to both Lesson and Quiz activities.)
  • Remember that while some of the same question types can be found in both the Quiz and Lesson modules, they can be very different. Scoring and grading each student's choice is more robust in a Quiz. On the other hand, each Lesson question answer also has a jump associated it.
  • Use GIFT or other export modes to print questions and answers in a category. Hint, clever use of word processor macros, using search and replace, can tidy up a GIFT file for printing.

See also

For info on question sharing relevant to versions of Moodle before Moodle 1.9 see :

For info on Question bank changes from Moodle 1.9 see :
