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Self-assessment activity using the question bank

From MoodleDocs

Note: This page is a work-in-progress. Feedback and suggested improvements are welcome. Please join the discussion on or use the page comments.

Self-assessment activity using the question bank
Project state Finished
Tracker issue CONTRIB-4334
Discussion Forum Discussion-1,Forum Discussion-2
Assignee Jayesh Anandani

GSOC '13


Self-assessment is the ability of a student to observe, analyze, and judge one’s performance on the basis of criteria and determine how one can improve it.

I have gone throught the IDEAS page and have read the information regarding the same, on Tim Hunt's blog about the layout/structure of a project. What I want to Build Next


GSoC divides the summer into two main periods

  1. The first phase, 17th June - 29th July, leading up to the mid-term evaluation.
  2. The second phase from, 2nd August – 15th September.
  3. There is also a pre-phase and a post-phase.


Moodle 2.6 is required.


The practice module will consist of mainly two interfaces.

Student User Interface

Student will be allowed to:

  • Create a new practice session and select choices accordingly(shown in mock-ups).
  • See their report of all practice sessions in either tabular manner or graphical manner.
  • Download a report of all their practice sessions course wise.

Teacher User Interface

Teacher will be able to:

  • Create a new practice accessible by all students.
  • Add and update Questions to practice created by teacher.

Community Bonding Period


  1. DONE: Refine the project proposal with Tim, Jean-Michel and the community.
  2. DONE: Feature Discussion.
  3. DONE: Create mockups.
  4. DONE: Create a Practice Interface Overview.
  5. DONE: Attend Orientation meeting.
  6. DONE: Add GSOC timeline to moodle calendar(iCal).

Coding Period


  1. DONE: Finalize the Interface for student's side.
  2. DONE: Create module plugin structure from template (including version.php, db/access.php, lang/en/mod_practice.php)
  3. DONE: Student interface: basic view.php page with two buttons (Create a new practice session button and View past sessions button).
  4. DONE: Student interface: start new practice session UI (startattempt.php & startattempt_form.php).
  5. DONE: Student interface: create database tables to store attempt data (db/install.xml and db/upgrade).
  6. DONE: Student interface: attempting a question page (attempt.php).
  7. DONE: Student interface: summary at the end of a practice session (summary.php).
  8. DONE: Student interface: add list of past sessions on the report.php page.
  9. DONE: Prepare of mid-term evaluation.
  10. DONE: Teacher interface: create/update database tables to store attempt data (db/install.xml and db/upgrade).
  11. DONE: Teacher interface: create instance form (modform.php & code in lib.php).
  12. DONE: Teacher interface: teacher's view of the reports & past sessions.
  13. DONE: Teacher interface: ensure teachers can access the question bank and add questions.
  14. DONE: Administration: ensure all significant actions are logged (db/logs.php, review all scripts).
  15. DONE: Administration: backup and restore (backup/moodle2/*.php - 4 files).
  16. Administration: consider whether we should trigger any events (db/events.php).
  17. Administration: course reset (_reset_course_form_definition, _reset_course_form_defaults, _reset_userdata in lib.php).
  18. DONE: Administration: other standard module functions in lib.php (_delete_instance, _user_outline, _user_complete, _print_recent_activity).
  19. Final tidy up: implement index.php
  20. Final tidy up:, pix/icon.png, ...
  21. Final testing of the whole system (Behat tests?)
  22. Submit final evalution.

Practice User Interface Overview

This diagram summarises the various pages that make up the practice user interface.

Practice Interface.jpg


Student User Interface Mockups

Practice Home page

This mock-up shows what view.php will look like to a student.

Self assessment practice view.png

Creating a new practice Session

This mock-up shows what startattempt_form.php will look like to a student.

Self assessment student form.png

Attempt page for Student

This mock-up shows what attempt.php will look like to a student.

Self assessment student attempt.png

View Summary of Practice Session

This mock-up shows what summary.php will look like to a student.

Self assessment practice summary.png

View all Past practice Sessions

This mock-up shows what report.php will look like to a student.

Self assessment student report.png


Mentors: Jean-Michel Vedrine & Tim Hunt.


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Daily Blog

See also