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Строка 55: Строка 55:
* Гость имеет минимальные права просмотре некоторых элементов курса.
* Гость имеет минимальные права просмотре некоторых элементов курса.

== Course management ==
==Управление курсом==
*  A full teacher has full control over all settings for a course, including restricting other teachers
*  A full teacher has full control over all settings for a course, including restricting other teachers
* Choice of course formats such as by week, by topic or a discussion-focussed social format
* Choice of course formats such as by week, by topic or a discussion-focussed social format
Строка 70: Строка 70:
* Courses can be packaged as a single zip file using the Backup function. These can be restored on any Moodle server.
* Courses can be packaged as a single zip file using the Backup function. These can be restored on any Moodle server.

=== Assignment Module ===

* Assignments can be specified with a due date and a maximum grade.
* Assignments can be specified with a due date and a maximum grade.
Строка 81: Строка 81:
* Advanced assignments can allow multiple files to be uploaded. This could keep together preplanning maps, outlines, research papers and presentations. (Not for beginners)
* Advanced assignments can allow multiple files to be uploaded. This could keep together preplanning maps, outlines, research papers and presentations. (Not for beginners)

=== [[Chats|Chat Module]] ===

* Allows smooth, synchronous text interaction
* Allows smooth, synchronous text interaction
Строка 88: Строка 88:
* All sessions are logged for later viewing, and these can also be made available to students
* All sessions are logged for later viewing, and these can also be made available to students

=== Choice Module ===

* Like a poll. Can either be used to vote on something, or to get feedback from every student (eg research consent)
* Like a poll. Can either be used to vote on something, or to get feedback from every student (eg research consent)
Строка 94: Строка 94:
* Students can optionally be allowed to see an up-to-date graph of results
* Students can optionally be allowed to see an up-to-date graph of results

=== Forum Module ===

* Different types of forums are available, such as teacher-only, course news, open-to-all, and one-thread-per-user.
* Different types of forums are available, such as teacher-only, course news, open-to-all, and one-thread-per-user.
Строка 104: Строка 104:
* Attached images are shown inline
* Attached images are shown inline
* If forum ratings are being used, these can be restricted to a range of dates
* If forum ratings are being used, these can be restricted to a range of dates
===Glossary Module===
*This is one of the modules that best illustrates the way that Moodle can fundamentally improve upon the experience of a traditional classroom
*This is one of the modules that best illustrates the way that Moodle can fundamentally improve upon the experience of a traditional classroom
*When students contribute to a course in a public place like the glossary, their ideas are given weight and attention and often result in a greater pride or ownership of the assignment
*When students contribute to a course in a public place like the glossary, their ideas are given weight and attention and often result in a greater pride or ownership of the assignment
Строка 119: Строка 119:
*Glossaries can be viewed with different display formats
*Glossaries can be viewed with different display formats

=== Lesson Module ===
*A lesson is a series of pages which can be presented in a linear fashion, like a slide show, or in a non-linear, branching manner, or in a combination of the two.
*A lesson is a series of pages which can be presented in a linear fashion, like a slide show, or in a non-linear, branching manner, or in a combination of the two.
*Navigation through the lesson can be straight forward or complex, logical or random
*Navigation through the lesson can be straight forward or complex, logical or random
Строка 134: Строка 134:
*Password, start and end times, and other restrictions can be placed on students.
*Password, start and end times, and other restrictions can be placed on students.

=== Quiz Module ===
* Teachers can define a database of questions for re-use in different quizzes
* Teachers can define a database of questions for re-use in different quizzes
* Questions can be stored in categories for easy access, and these categories can be "published" to make them accessible from any course on the site.
* Questions can be stored in categories for easy access, and these categories can be "published" to make them accessible from any course on the site.
Строка 154: Строка 154:
* Embedded descriptive text and graphics
* Embedded descriptive text and graphics

=== Resource Module ===

* Supports display of any electronic content, Word, Powerpoint, Flash, Video, Sounds etc. that are stored locally, or remotely
* Supports display of any electronic content, Word, Powerpoint, Flash, Video, Sounds etc. that are stored locally, or remotely
Строка 165: Строка 165:
* Linked MP3 audio files will display with elegant flash player
* Linked MP3 audio files will display with elegant flash player

=== Survey Module ===

* Built-in surveys (COLLES, ATTLS) have been proven as instruments for analysing online classes
* Built-in surveys (COLLES, ATTLS) have been proven as instruments for analysing online classes
Строка 172: Строка 172:
* Feedback is provided to the student of their results compared to the class averages
* Feedback is provided to the student of their results compared to the class averages

=== Wiki Module===
*Wiki is a web page that anyone can add to or edit
*Wiki is a web page that anyone can add to or edit
*It enables documents to be authored collectively and supports collaborative learning
*It enables documents to be authored collectively and supports collaborative learning
*Old versions are not deleted and may be restored if required
*Old versions are not deleted and may be restored if required

=== Workshop Module ===

* Allows peer assessement of documents, and the teacher can manage and grade the assessment.
* Allows peer assessement of documents, and the teacher can manage and grade the assessment.

Версия от 15:10, 23 декабря 2008

Moodle является активно развивающимся продуктом. Эта страница содержит всего лишь некоторые из многих возможностей, которыми он обладает:

Общий дизайн

При проектировании Moodle особое внимание уделяется следующим принципами:

  • Продвижение педагогики социального конструкционизма (сотрудничество, активное обучение, критическая рефлексия и пр.).
  • Поддержка различных подходов к обучению: дистанционное, смешанное, очное.
  • Простой, интуитивно понятный, эффективный, кросс-платформенный интерфейс в окне браузера.
  • Простая установка на большинство платформ, поддерживающих PHP.
  • Совместимость с большинством широко используемых баз данных.
  • Список курсов содержит описания и доступен любому пользователю.
  • Курсы структурируются по категориям. По ним можно производить поиск. Один сайт может содержать тысячи курсов.
  • Существенное внимание уделяется вопросам безопасности. Все формы и вводимые данные проверяются, cookies шифруются и т.п.
  • Для большинства текстовых областей (ресурсы, сообщения форумов и т.п.) используется встроенный WYSIWYG HTML редактор.

Управление сайтом

  • Сайт управляется администратором.
  • Основные настройки сайта определяются в процессе установки, но могут быть легко изменены и в будущем.
  • Для изменения настроек сайта используется удобный блок Администрирование.
  • Подключаемые модули "тем" дают администратору широкие возможности по изменению внешнего вида сайта.
  • С помощью дополнительных модулей можно легко расширить возможности сайта.
  • Подключаемые языковые пакеты позволяют сделать перевод на любой язык. Редактирование перевода осуществляется с помощью встроенного веб-редактора. На данный момент перевод осуществлен более чем на 70 языков мира.
  • Весь код написан на языке PHP под открытой лицензией GPL, что позволяет легко адаптировать систему под свои нужды.

Управление пользователями


  • Основная цель: свести действия администратора по управлению пользователями к минимуму. Сохранив при этом высокий уровень безопасности.
  • Поддерживается большое количество механизмов аутентификации за счет использования плагинной архитектуры. Тем самым обеспечивается простота интеграции с внешними системами.
  • Стандартная e-mail аутентификация: пользователи сами создают себе учетные записи. E-mail адрес проверяется путем отсылки на него письма с подтверждением регистрации.
  • LDAP аутентификация производится через LDAP сервер. Обладает гибкими настройками используемых полей.
  • IMAP, POP3, NNTP: аутентификация производится через почтовый или новостной сервер. Поддерживается SSL, сертификаты, TLS.
  • Внешняя БД: любая база данных, содержащая, как минимум, два поля может выступать в качестве внешнего источника аутентификации.
  • Пользователи имеют широкие возможности по заполнению своего профиля. При необходимости e-mail адреса могут быть защищены от показа.
  • Администратор имеет возможность гибко управлять полями профиля: добавлять, защищать от изменений и т.п.
  • Каждый пользователь может указать свою временную зону. Эти настройки будут учитывать при отображении любых дат в рамках системы (например, даты отправки сообщений, сроки сдачи заданий и т.п.).
  • Каждому пользователю может быть предоставлена возможность выбора языка, на котором ему будет отображаться интерфейс системы.

Запись на курсы

  • Учителя могут устанавливать для своих курсов так называемые "кодовые слова" для предотвращения доступа к курсу посторонних участников. Учителя могут сообщить кодовое слово своим учащимся лично, по e-mail или каким-нибудь другим способом.
  • Учителя могут записывать учащихся на курс вручную, если это необходимо.
  • Учителя могут вручную отчислять учащихся с курса, если это необходимо. Кроме того, администратором может быть задан период, по окончании которого, если учащийся не заходил в курс, он будет автоматически отчислен.
  • Плагинная архитектура методов записи позволяет легко создавать и подключать произвольные процедуры записи на курс.
  • Каждый пользователь имеет всего одну учетную запись в системе, но при этом может иметь разные уровни доступа к курсам.
  • Метакурсы предоставляют удобное средство автоматической синхронизации подписок пользователей. Список участников метакурса наследуется из других курсов, связанных с данным метакурсом.


  • Система ролей является мощным средством наделения пользователей различными правами на разных уровнях иерархии контекстов (Система->Категория курса->Курс->Элемент курса).
  • Роли определяются администратором сайта. Они представляют собой набор разрешений для всех возможностей системы (например, Разрешить отвечать на сообщения в форуме, Запретить создавать темы форума и т.п.).
  • Существует набор предустановленных ролей (права которых все равно могут быть отредактированы): администратор, создатель курсов, учитель, учитель без права редактирования, учащийся, гость.
  • Создатель курсов может создавать курсы, редактировать содержимое и обучать.
  • Учитель может редактировать содержимое курсов и обучать в них.
  • Учитель без права редактирования может только обучать в курсе.
  • Учащийся может обучаться в курсе.
  • Гость имеет минимальные права просмотре некоторых элементов курса.

Управление курсом


  • A full teacher has full control over all settings for a course, including restricting other teachers
  • Choice of course formats such as by week, by topic or a discussion-focussed social format
  • Course Themes. A course can have its own theme of colors and layout.
  • Flexible array of course activities - Forums, Quizzes, Glossaries, Resources, Choices, Surveys, Assignments, Chats, Workshops
  • Groups - teacher(s) and students can be placed in one or more groups
  • Recent changes to the course since the last login can be displayed on the course home page - helps give sense of community
  • Most text entry areas (resources, forum postings etc) can be edited using an embedded WYSIWYG HTML editor
  • All grades for Forums, Quizzes and Assignments can be viewed on one page (and downloaded as a spreadsheet file)
  • Full user logging and tracking - activity reports for each student are available with graphs and details about each module (last access, number of times read) as well as a detailed "story" of each students involvement including postings etc on one page.
  • Mail integration - copies of forum posts, teacher feedback etc can be mailed in HTML or plain text.
  • Custom scales - teachers can define their own scales to be used for grading forums and assignments
  • Courses can be packaged as a single zip file using the Backup function. These can be restored on any Moodle server.


  • Assignments can be specified with a due date and a maximum grade.
  • Students can upload their assignments (any file format) to the server - they are date-stamped.
  • Late assignments are allowed, but the amount of lateness is shown clearly to the teacher
  • For each particular assignment, the whole class can be assessed (grade and comment) on one page in one form.
  • Teacher feedback is appended to the assignment page for each student, and notification is mailed out.
  • The teacher can choose to allow resubmission of assignments after grading (for regrading)
  • Allowing resubmissions can allow the teacher to progress monitor student projects/assignments as they evolve.
  • Advanced assignments can allow multiple files to be uploaded. This could keep together preplanning maps, outlines, research papers and presentations. (Not for beginners)


  • Allows smooth, synchronous text interaction
  • Includes profile pictures in the chat window
  • Supports URLs, smilies, embedded HTML, images etc
  • All sessions are logged for later viewing, and these can also be made available to students


  • Like a poll. Can either be used to vote on something, or to get feedback from every student (eg research consent)
  • Teacher sees intuitive table view of who chose what
  • Students can optionally be allowed to see an up-to-date graph of results


  • Different types of forums are available, such as teacher-only, course news, open-to-all, and one-thread-per-user.
  • All postings have the authors photo attached.
  • Discussions can be viewed nested, flat or threaded, oldest or newest first.
  • Individual forums can be subscribed to by each person so that copies are forwarded via email, or the teacher can force subscription for all
  • The teacher can choose not to allow replies (eg for an announcements-only forum)
  • Discussion threads can be easily moved between forums by the teacher
  • Attached images are shown inline
  • If forum ratings are being used, these can be restricted to a range of dates


  • This is one of the modules that best illustrates the way that Moodle can fundamentally improve upon the experience of a traditional classroom
  • When students contribute to a course in a public place like the glossary, their ideas are given weight and attention and often result in a greater pride or ownership of the assignment
  • Allows participants to create and maintain a list of definitions, like a dictionary
  • Student entries can be previewed by instructors before publishing
  • Entries can be searched or browsed using alphabet, category, date, and author
  • A glossary of terms can be easily referenced by students
  • Almost any module of Moodle can be set to hyperlink - automatically - to any word or phrase that is stored in or added to the glossary
  • Glossary items can be grouped in categories
  • Participants can comment on glossary entries
  • Entries can be rated using teacher-defined scales
  • Glossaries can be easily exported and imported via xml
  • Glossaries can be fully searched
  • Glossaries can be viewed with different display formats


  • A lesson is a series of pages which can be presented in a linear fashion, like a slide show, or in a non-linear, branching manner, or in a combination of the two.
  • Navigation through the lesson can be straight forward or complex, logical or random
  • Pages can allow students choices through answers to teacher directed questions or descriptions
  • Each choice can be associated with jumps that link to other tables
  • Offers different scoring and grading potentials
  • Interfaces with Grade and Glossary modules
  • Lessons can build upon each other through conditional dependencies upon one another
  • Question pages include Multiple choice, Multi-answer, T/F, numeric, short answer and essay.
  • Pages can be imported either as questions in a variety of formats or from PowerPoints
  • Student attempts, time limits, minimum score and retakes can be set.
  • Page content is HTML compatible, with a full set of edit tools for the teacher
  • Students may see progress bars, running score, reinforcement to student questions
  • Password, start and end times, and other restrictions can be placed on students.


  • Teachers can define a database of questions for re-use in different quizzes
  • Questions can be stored in categories for easy access, and these categories can be "published" to make them accessible from any course on the site.
  • Quizzes are automatically graded, and can be re-graded if questions are modified
  • Quizzes can have a limited time window outside of which they are not available
  • At the teacher's option, quizzes can be attempted multiple times, and can show feedback and/or correct answers
  • Quiz questions and quiz answers can be shuffled (randomised) to reduce cheating
  • Questions allow HTML and images
  • Questions can be imported from external text files
  • Quizzes can be attempted multiple times, if desired
  • Attempts can be cumulative, if desired, and finished over several sessions
  • Multiple-choice questions supporting single or multiple answers
  • Short Answer questions (words or phrases)
  • True-False questions
  • Matching questions
  • Random questions
  • Numerical questions (with allowable ranges)
  • Embedded-answer questions (cloze style) with answers within passages of text
  • Embedded descriptive text and graphics


  • Supports display of any electronic content, Word, Powerpoint, Flash, Video, Sounds etc. that are stored locally, or remotely
  • Files can be uploaded and managed (zipped, unzipped, renamed, moved, etc..) on the server
  • Folders can be created and managed on the server and linked to
  • Internal web pages (html formatted) can be created with WYSIWYG editor and linked to
  • Internal text pages (no formatting) can be created and linked to
  • External content on the web can be linked to or seamlessly included within the course interface.
  • External web applications can be linked to with data passed to them
  • Linked MP3 audio files will display with elegant flash player


  • Built-in surveys (COLLES, ATTLS) have been proven as instruments for analysing online classes
  • Online survey reports always available, including many graphs. Data is downloadable as an Excel spreadsheet or CSV text file.
  • Survey interface prevents partly-finished surveys.
  • Feedback is provided to the student of their results compared to the class averages


  • Wiki is a web page that anyone can add to or edit
  • It enables documents to be authored collectively and supports collaborative learning
  • Old versions are not deleted and may be restored if required


  • Allows peer assessement of documents, and the teacher can manage and grade the assessment.
  • Supports a wide range of possible grading scales
  • Teacher can provide sample documents for students to practice grading
  • Very flexible with many options.