Kalifikazioak esportatu

Pedro Lonbide (eztabaida | ekarpenak) (→‎Grade publishing)(r)en berrikusketa, ordua: 14:54, 24 Apirila 2008
(ald) ←Berrikuspen zaharragoa | Oraingo berrikuspena ikusi (ald) | Berrikuspen berriagoa→ (ald)
Hona jauzi:nabigazioa, bilatu

Moodle 1.9

Oharra: Itzuli gabekoak. Anima zaitezte eta ekin!.     (itzuli gabeko beste orri batzuk)

Grade export

To export grades from the gradebook:

  1. Choose an export format - Excel spreadsheet, OpenDocument spreadsheet, plain text file or XML file - from the gradebook dropdown menu.
  2. Set options as required.
  3. If the course uses groups, select whether to export grades for all participants or for a particular group.
  4. Select the grade items to be included. Note that ID numbers are required for all activities for XML file export. An ID number field can be found in the common module settings for each activity.
  5. Click the submit button.
  6. After previewing the data on the following page, click the download button.

Default grade export settings

The grade export display type and grade export decimal points site-wide defaults may be set by an administrator in Administration > Grades > Ezarpen orokorrak.

Grade publishing

Grade publishing settings

Grade publishing is a way of importing and exporting grades via a URL without being logged in to Moodle. Grade publishing is intended for administrators only, due to the security implications.

Grade publishing is disabled by default. It can be enabled by an administrator by checking the gradepublishing box in Administration > Grades > Ezarpen orokorrak. Users with grade publishing capabilities (normally administrators only) are then provided with grade export publishing settings.

See also