Kalifikatzailearen txostena: berrikuspenen arteko aldeak

Hona jauzi:nabigazioa, bilatu
21. lerroa: 21. lerroa:

===Berezko beste ezarpen batzuk===
===Berezko beste ezarpen batzuk===
The defaults for these options can be set at site level by going to Administration->
Aukera hauetarako ezarpenak gune-mailan ezar daitezke Kudeaketa-> blokera joanda.

*You can add a row showing the range of possible scores by going to My report preferences and selecting '''Show ranges'''.
*Lor daitezkeen puntuazioak erakutsiko dituen lerro bat gainera dezakezu Nire hobespenak pestainara joan eta '''Ibilarteak erakutsi''' aukeratuta.


Noizko berrikusketa: 10:10, 15 Uztaila 2008

Moodle 1.9

Kalifikazioen txostenak ematen dio irakasleari kalifikazioen txosten berria ikusteko aukera Moodle 1.9n. 1.9 baino lehenagoko bertsioetarako, begiratu hemen.


Kalifikatzailearen liburuak Moodle-ren hainbat ataletan kalifikatu eta ebaluatu diren elementuak jasotzen ditu eta aukera ematen dizu ikusi eta aldatzeko, kategoriaka antolatzeko eta guztirakoak era askotan kalkulatzeko. Moodle-ren ikastaro batean ebaluatzeko elementu bat gaineratzen duzunean, sortutako kalifikazioetarako gunea sortzen du automatikoki kalifikazio-liburuak eta era berean gaineratzen ditu zeuk edo sistemak elementu horretarako sortutako kalifikazioak.

The grades displayed are the raw marks from the assessments themselves, so will depend on how you set those up e.g. an essay out of 36 will appear as how ever many raw marks that student got, not a percentage.


Hainbat lerro daude goiko aldean: ikastaroa lehenik, ondoren kategoria, ondoren oraingo zutabea (hau da, saiakera bat edo kategoriaren guztirakoa). Aktibatu gabe baduzu, saiakera, galdetegi eta abat guztiak kategorizatu gabe kategorian egongo dira.

You can add a row showing the range of possible scores by going to My report preferences and selecting Show ranges.

There are three ways that the categories can be displayed

  • Grades only - without the category totals column
  • Collapsed - Category total column only
  • Full view - grades and the aggregates (the totals column for the category)

Each section has a small icon at the top right. Clicking this will cycle through these display modes for that category. + goes to grades only view, o goes to full view and - goes to collapsed view.

Berezko beste ezarpen batzuk

Aukera hauetarako ezarpenak gune-mailan ezar daitezke Kudeaketa-> blokera joanda.

  • Lor daitezkeen puntuazioak erakutsiko dituen lerro bat gainera dezakezu Nire hobespenak pestainara joan eta Ibilarteak erakutsi aukeratuta.


Zure kalifikazio-liburua handitu ahala kontrolatzen zaila izan daiteke ikasleentzat eta agian ez dute jakingo atal batek zein eginkizuni egiten dion erreferentzia. Nabarmenduta konpontzen da arazo hau.

  • Ikaslearen izena duen gelaxkan hutsik dagoen tartean sakatuta, lerro osoa nabarmenduko da
  • Zutabe bakoitzaren goiko gelaxkan hutsik dagoen tartean sakatuta, zutabe osoa nabarmenduko da

Kalifikazioak kategoriaka sailkatu

Ezkerreko aldean goian dagoen 'Ekintza bat aukeratu' zabaltzen den menuak beste hainbat ekintzatarako aukera ematen dizu

  • Editatu kategoriak eta elementuak aukeratuta zure eginkizunak kategoriaka sailka ditzakezu, adibidez 'gelako lana', 'etxeko lana' e.a.

Kategoria bakoitzak bere Kategorian guztira zutabea izango du ondorioz.


Note: Editing anything in the gradebook refers to editing the grades only and none of the available operations bear any relationship to editing the main course page i.e. the appearance of your course page cannot be influenced by anything you do in the gradebook. The "Turn editing on" button functions separately to the main course one, so editing can be on in the gradebook, but simultaneously off when you switch back to course view. This is because editing grades and editing the course page are separate capabilities and a role e.g. 'non-editing teacher' may only have one or the other.

Kalifikazioak aldatu

You can click "Turn editing on" at the top right to show an edit icon next to each grade. Clicking on the icon will bring up the editing screen for that grade which will allow you to set the grade, its written feedback and a number of other attributes.

Alternatively, you can click on "My report preferences"' and choose "Quick grading" and "Quick feedback" to make the report appear with editable boxes containing each grade, so you can change many at once.

Guztirakoak kalkulatu

Rather than a simple average or sum, Moodle can perform very complex calculations to produce the totals for each category and for the whole course. e.g. you want to take an average of 3 items from one category, double it, then add it to the average of another category.

You can do this using calculations. Either turn on editing, then click Show calculations, or go to My report preference, choose show calculations, then save and turn editing on. You will then see a small calculator icon next to each total column which, when you click on it, will take you to the page Kalifikazioak kalkulatu where there are instructions.

To choose how the grades are aggregated for the totals within categories, you can turn editing on and click on the little editing icon for the category. You can then choose to have means, medians, modes etc. leave out empty grades and other settings.

Zutabeak edo banakako kalifikazioak ezkutatu

Turning on editing then clicking the "Show show/hide icons" link will give you the familiar show/hide eye icon next to each grade and at the top of each column. In the context of the gradebook, this is completely separate from the show/hide in the main course page, where the activities are shown/hidden. The gradebook ones refer to whether a student will be able to see that grade in their user report. You can have an activity available on the course page for which you would not want the students to know their grade. Also in reverse - an offline activity that is hidden in the course page, but which you want the students to know their grade for.

Ikusi halaber

Oharra: Itzuli gabekoak. Anima zaitezte eta ekin!.     (itzuli gabeko beste orri batzuk)