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tele-TASK es un plugin de Moodle que permite la reproducción de videos de clases en uno o dos canales dentro de un curso Moodle. Ofrece integración directa con el sistema tele-TASK y soporta la reproducción de videos mp4 de diferentes fuentes.

Ejemplo tele-TASK


  1. Download or use the "Install Now" feature of the moodle plugin directory to install the tele-TASK module,
  2. After installation: When you want to use the included tele-TASk upload feature please make sure that your webserver have read and write access to mod/teletask/uploads in your moodle installation folder. If your web server is the owner of the directory the chmod 600 is suitable.

Vea también: Instalar plugins en MoodleDocs.


Añada un nuevo video (pantalla dual)

  • To add a new (dual screen) video you have to add a new tele-TASK activity to your course, login with the appropriate access rights (e.g.editing teacher, course creator or administrator) and Turn Editing On. Within the required Week or Topic Block click the 'Add an Activity or Resource' link.
  • In the Add an activity or resource dialogue box that appears, select tele-TASK and click Add.

con la característica para subir de tele-TASK

The easiest way to add a (dual screen) video to a course is using [ the tele-TASK] recording system. When using the tele-TASK recording system a single .ttpp-file can be imported and the videos and all information which were already entered during recoring with [ the tele-TASK] recording system e.g. title, sections are filled out automatically.

  • First click [Select tele-TASK moodle file] and select the exported tele-TASK moodle file on your local computer.
  • After selection of the file click [Upload file] and wait until the Process is ended with the status message Done.
  • Now all fields are filled automatically accoring to the information you entered earlier in tele-TASK recording system. If you found some errors or if you want to change something you can do this accoring to the following section Add a new (dual screen) video with videos from other sources. Finish the import by clicking on "Save and return to course" or "Save and display".

con videos de otras fuentes

The [ the tele-TASK] recording system is not necessary to add an (dual screen) video to a moodle course using the tele-TASK module. You can simply add videos hosted on other servers or upload them manually to the mod/teletask/uploads directory e.g. with ftp. There are the following 2 sections when adding a new teleTASK activity


Here you have the following fields:

  • tele-TASK video name - Nombre de su video. Será mostrado en la vista general del curso y sobre del video en la página de visualización.
  • tele-TASK video description - Descripción del video
  • tele-TASK video speaker - Nombre del orador/ponente/conferenciante. Si tiene más de uno, sepárelos con comas
  • tele-TASK video recording date - Fecha de la grabación
  • tele-TASK video url speaker video - URL del video del orador como mp4. Puede ser una URL externa comopor ejemplo. o, si Usted usa el directorio mod/teletask/uploads para los archivos de video, debería de verse así: carpeta_dentro_de_directorio_uploads/nombre_del_archivo_de_video.mp4
  • tele-TASK video url desktop video - URL del video del escritorio como mp4. Si Usted deja vacío este campo, entonces el reproductor se mostrará en el modo de video único. La URL debe configurarse como se describió para URL del video del orador tele-TASK
Secciones de Video

In video sections you can set sections/chapters in the videos. This allows better navigation for the user in the player. To add a section click Add Section and new input fields appear. Here you can add the section name and the time when this section start. Now you can add several sections or delete them.

Note: The first section should start at 0 seconds.

Finally you can finish adding a tele-TASK video by clicking on "Save and return to course" or "Save and display".

Editar un video (pantalla dual)

  • To edit an existing tele-TASK activity, login to your course with the appropriate access rights (e.g. editing teacher, course creator or administrator) and Turn Editing On. Select the Update icon against the relevant tele-TASK item.
  • Alternatively, after logging into your course simply click on the name of the tele-TASK activity you wish to edit and then click the Edit Settings link under tele-TASK administration within the Settings block.
  • Now you can edit the lecture accoring to Add a new (dual screen) video with videos from other sources

Eliminar un video (pantalla dual)

  • To delete an existing tele-TASK activity, login to your course with the appropriate access rights (e.g. editing teacher, course creator or administrator) and Turn Editing On. Select the Delete icon against the relevant tele-TASK item.
  • Please have in mind that uploaded files with the tele-TASk Upload feature will not be delete since they can be used in other courses when videos are reused. If you are sure to delete a video you have to do it manualy and find the video files in the mod/teletask/uploads directory. The coresponding UUID directory name can be found in the desktop/speaker URL field before deleting when you edit the coresponding tele-TASK activity.


The backup / restore of the tele-TASK module uses the standard module procedure described in the Moodle Docs Respaldo del curso and Respaldo del curso.

Important: When you want to restore a backup in another moodle instance (on another server) you have to save a copy of the mod/teletask/uploads folder and merge it with the one on the new moodle instance. Otherwise the videos are not available.

"Warning:" When deleteing the module plugin you should backup the mod/teletask/uploads. Otherwise all your video files are lost.