Ajustes de las calificaciones

De MoodleDocs

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Location: Administration > Grades > Grade settings

General Grade Settings Screen

Los ajustes generales de las calificaciones le permiten habilitar o deshabilitar varias funcionalidades para ajustarse a sus necesidades específicas. Estos ajustes son generales para todo el sitio, y afectarán al informe de las calificaciones utilizado por todos los profesores.

Roles calificados

Los roles calificados son el tipo de usuario que usted quiere que aparezca en el libro de calificaciones. A veces varios usuarios serán calificados para distintos propósitos. La mayoría de las veces, el único rol necesario será el de "estudiante".

  • Administrador
  • Creador de cursos
  • Profesor
  • Profesor no editor
  • Estudiante
  • Invitado
  • Usuario autentificado

Nótese que al menos uno de estos roles debe ser seleccionado.

Enable outcomes

Resultados is a unique feature new to Moodle 1.9. It allows the idea of grading things according to a "scale". To enable, just click the box and all teachers will now be able to implement outcomes into their gradebooks.

User profile report

The type of report that will appear on a user's profile page. These are the reports that appear in the gradebooks that are unique to each student or any other user. Custom user reports can also be developed and will appear in this menu as well. "User Report" is default.

Aggregation position

Aggregation position is where you want the averages of the grades to be located. This setting specifically refers to the position number of the column for the averages. It can either appear in the first column or the last column.

Show submitted date for hidden grades

When a grade is hidden, by default a dash (-) mark appears where the grade is supposed to be. Enable this to show the date that the grade was submitted rather than a dash.

Enable publishing

Publishing is the import and export of grades off of Moodle without logging in through a URL. This URL can be useful for allowing others to import the grades but beware of the dangers of bookmark sharing and IP restrictions when using this. By default, only administrators may use this but power can be delegated to other users. Please educate all other users before giving them this feature.

Grade export display type

During the export process, this is the type of grade that is to be shown. Different school districts use different grading systems so this can be changed to suit your district.

  • Real - Grade from minimum to maximum range indicating total points received. Default from 0-100 but may be arbitrary.
  • Percentage - Grade from 0 - 100% indicating the total points received divided by maximum possible amount times 100.
  • Letras- Grade in the form of a letter representing a range of percentages.

Note: Teachers can edit the actual display type right before export.

Grade export decimal points

During the export process, this is the number of decimal places for all grades that is to be shown. Different school districts use different grading systems so this can be changed to suit your district. Number of decimal places range from 0-5.

Note: Teachers can edit the actual display type right before export.

Primary grade export methods

Main type of export that will be used. This helps in recording what type of export was previously used and allow to be identified as "new" or "updated". Types of export include:

  • ods (OpenOffice spreadsheet)
  • txt (Plain text file)
  • xls (Excel spreadsheet)
  • xml (Extensible Markup Language file)