FAQ Enseñando

De MoodleDocs

Mostrar recursos a los estudiantes

  • ¿Cómo mostrar textos y sitios web a los estudiantes?
  • ¿Cómo insertar dibujos en el texto?
  • ¿Cómo mostrar un documento Word o PDF en Moodle?
  • ¿Cómo reproducir un archivo de sonido en Moodle?
  • ¿Cómo mostrar un álbum de fotos en Moodle?
  • ¿Cómo agregar un canal RSS?

Práctica y calificaciones

  • How do I very quickly make many multiple choice questions in Moodle?
  • How to make a listening quiz with Moodle?
  • How do I make drill and practice exercises (different questions in the same quiz) with Moodle?
  • How can I get an overview of the results of a test or assignment?
  • Can I export grades to Excel?


  • How can I let my students make a report of a group task?
  • I want to let my students make a presentation. How can I collect them?
  • My students have to think harder before they bring in their assignment. How can I stimulate them?
  • Some students send it in their assignment by mistake. How can they resend it?

Configurar actividades

  • How do I set up a Wiki?
  • How do I set up a Lesson?
  • How do I set up a Hot Potatoes test for students?
  • How do I set up a Workshop?

Pedagogía y Moodle

  • How do you organise an online discussion with Moodle?
  • How can you let students write a text together?
  • How to use a forum in a class?
  • How can you let students collaborate on a forum?

Diseño del Curso

  • How can I design a course for different classes?
  • Whats the use of a metacourse?
  • How can I put a background picture on my course?
