Rol de visor de lista de curso

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El rol de visor de lista de curso puede ser usado para restringir o permitir que las listas de cursos sean vistas por usuarios seleccionados.

Por defecto, el Rol de usuario autenticado puede ver la lista de todos los cursos porque la capacidad moodle/category:viewcourselist le está permitida.

Si la capacidad es quitada globalmente del l Rol de usuario autenticado, entonces este rol de visor de lista de curso puede ser asignado a usuarios que tendrán permitido el ver cursos en una cierta(s) categoría(s).

Crear un nuevo rol

  1. From 'Site administration / Users / Permissions / Define roles', edit the Authenticated user role to prevent the capability moodle/category:viewcourselist
  2. Do the same for the Guest role
  3. From 'Site administration / Users / Permissions / Define roles' and click the "Add a new role" button.
  4. For archetype role choose "No role."
  5. Give the role a short name (such as "Course list viewer", but it can be anything appropriate.
  6. Give the role a custom full name (such as "Course list viewer", but it can be anything appropriate.
  7. Find and allow capability moodle/category:viewcourselist for this role
  8. To allow users to view courses in all categories, check the "System" context. Or...
  9. To allow users to view courses in specific categories, check the "Category" context

Asignarle el rol a usuarios

  1. For the system context role (allowing users to see all course categories) go to 'Site administration / Users / Permissions /Assign system roles
  2. Click the link Course list viewer and move your selected users from the right box to the left box. Or...
  3. For the category context role (allowing users to see courses in a particular category) go to 'Site administration / Courses / Manage course and categories'
  4. In the course categories list, click the arrow next to the cog icon to access the Assign roles link.
  5. Click the link Course list viewer and move your selected users from the right box to the left box.