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Development:Course completion

From MoodleDocs

This is a SPECIFICATION for a feature in Moodle 2.0 that is still under development


We need a way to flag when a course is finished.  :-)


This can be simply done by adding some small settings to the course settings page (perhaps on a tab).



When a certain date has passed, the course can be considered completed for all users.


When a user is unenrolled, the course can be considerd completed for that user.


When the total course grade is above a certain value/percentage, the course can be considered completed. The value is set using the "passing grade" feature in the gradebook.

Activity done

When a particular activity is done (see Development:Conditional Activities)


The teacher controls completion via a special page which is simply a list of all students with checkboxes next to their page. I suppose this might be useful as something separate from the gradebook (and just manually putting in 100 or something for each student as an override grade).

Any combination of the above

These all need to be able to be combined using ORs. Not sure where best to store these.


There will need to be a cron job to check all these conditions and add/remove entries from the table as necessary. Can this be made very efficient?



This table records when whole courses are completed.

  • id
  • userid
  • courseid