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Assignment details

From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 21:16, 14 December 2005 by Helen Foster (talk | contribs) (assignment nav, category)

In the second step of setting up the assignment, depending on the type of assignment you are adding, you will have to fill in the following data:

Allow resubmitting

(This option is not relevant for offline assignments.)

By default, students cannot resubmit assignments once the teacher has graded them

If you turn this option on, then students will be allowed to resubmit assignments after they have been graded (for you to re-grade). This may be useful if the teacher wants to encourage students to do better work in an iterative process.

Email alerts to teachers

(This option is not relevant for offline assignments.)

If enabled, then teachers are alerted with a short email whenever students add or update an assignment submission.

Only teachers who are able to grade the particular submission are notified. So, for example, if the course uses separate groups, then teachers restricted to particular groups won't receive any notices about students in other groups.

Maximum size

(This option is relevant only for assignments of the "Upload a single file" type)

This setting specifies the maximum size of the file which the students can upload as their submission.

Comment inline

(This option is relevant only for assignments of the "Online text" type)

If this option is selected, then the original submission will be copied into the feedback comment field during grading, making it easier to comment inline (using a different colour, perhaps) or to edit the original text. Of course even if the teacher makes inline comments and changes,the student's original submission is kept intact.