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Talk:LDAP authentication

From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 12:40, 14 November 2008 by chris collman (talk | contribs) (→‎What is the version of Moodle does this apply: I found an "update' template :))

What is the version of Moodle does this apply

QUESTION: TO WHAT VERSION OF MOODLE DOES THE BULK OF THIS DOCUMENT APPLY? This should be explicitly stated. My guess so far is Moodle 1.6.

For example, the screenshot on this page does not seem to be from a Moodle 1.8 or 1.9 site. Also, in Moodle 1.8/1.9, Authentication is at Admin->Authentication->Manage Auth. by User:Jeffrey Silverman

Hi Jeffrey, I moved your question from the article page to here. Good comment, if you know the answer, I would like to know it. I did go down the path a little bit on this page (perpetual newbie) but I did not have an LDAP server to check this against, so I am as clueless as you. Best --Chris collman 18:06, 12 November 2008 (CST)

I don't know the answer. Thanks for the clarification. I put that thing there as a banner because, IMO, the comments on pages are too "hidden" as they are really a separate page linked to in the tab interface idiom.

-- Jeff

Being sparse with banners, is sort of a convention in MoodleDocs. Placing comments is like putting an index at the back of a book. You have to know where to look :) Sometimes I will put in my summary when I edit an article page, "see page comments". Helen Foster designed {{Update}} back in 2006 which is sort of like {{stub}}. Please add Update template if you think it is appropriate. Sorry I did not give an alternative in my earlier post. There is a rough "style guide" if you are curious. I confess, I only look at it once in a while. Thanks again for calling attention to something which could be done better --Chris collman 06:40, 14 November 2008 (CST)

old comment

Really useful section, although would be good to explicitly state whether the ldap bind account password is stored securely in the Moodle DB.

What about the sync script?

There is no mention of /auth/ldap/auth_ldap_sync_users.php

Why is it there? What is it for? Should it always be run? Is it obsolete? Is it only for some instances? (As in, specific LDAP settings)
