コースリセットのコードは /course/reset.php から呼び出されます。 あなたが作ったモジュールを含めるには,以下の2つの関数を実装する必要があります。 その方法を理解するのに良い例は,/mod/fourm/lib.php にある実装例です。
This is called directly by /course/reset.php. It needs to output some form controls to control different options for resetting your module.
The convention is to call settings relating your your module reset_mymodule_something.
The forum implementation is a good model:
/** * Called by course/reset.php */ function forum_reset_course_form($course) { echo get_string('resetforums', 'forum'); echo ':<br />'; print_checkbox('reset_forum_news', 1, true, get_string('namenews','forum'), '', ''); echo '<br />'; print_checkbox('reset_forum_single', 1, true, get_string('singleforum','forum'), '', ''); echo '<br />'; print_checkbox('reset_forum_eachuser', 1, true, get_string('eachuserforum','forum'), '', ''); echo '<br />'; print_checkbox('reset_forum_general', 1, true, get_string('generalforum','forum'), '', ''); echo '<br />'; echo '<p>'; print_checkbox('reset_forum_subscriptions', 1, true, get_string('resetsubscriptions','forum'), '', ''); echo '</p>'; }
mymodule_delete_userdata($data, $showfeedback)
This actually does the resetting. It is called indirectly, /course/reset.php calls reset_course_userdata() in /lib/moodlelib.php, which then calls the functions for each module.
The $data parameter is what came back from the form printed by forum_reset_course. In particular, $data->courseid is the id of the coures we are cleaning up.
The $showfeedback parameter determines whether we should output progress information as we go along.
The forum implementation is again a good one to study, here is a very simple example:
function example_delete_userdata($data, $showfeedback=true) { if (!empty($data->reset_example_frogs)) { if (delete_records('example_frogs', 'couresid', $data->courseid) and $showfeedback) { notify(get_string('frogsdeleted', 'example'), 'notifysuccess'); } } if (!empty($data->reset_example_newts)) { if (delete_records('example_newts', 'couresid', $data->courseid) and $showfeedback) { notify(get_string('newtsdeleted', 'example'), 'notifysuccess'); } } }