User:James Neill/Moodleposium/2009/Dougiamas

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Moodle 2 and the Push for Pedagogy

  1. Martin Dougiamas, Lead Moodler,
  2. Free and open source software

(neglects for example to mention stuff like the presentation being given is (c) Martin Dougiamas!)

  1. Bunch of stats about number of Moodle installs by country etc.

Organisational components - forums/discussion - - not many people out of the audience have been there - but MD describes it as the "heart" of Moodle development - esp. for community-driven development - e.g., voting is valuable/important - describes features including a GUI mockup (balsamiq.mockups - plugin) MoodleMoots

What presentation software? (MMAP?) (Mac?) (3-d slide rotation)

Moodle Economics

  1. Some organising force (e.g. someone taking responsibility)
  2. Limited by time and money
  3. (receives donations and contracts and moodle partner royalties - commercial, for profit) - (forums etc.) - 200 people have write access to Moodle
  4. Moodle partners pay royalities to (who then employ 12 people)
  5. Sometimes is contracted e.g., Open University - to develop specific stuff which can be written into core code

Moodle History

  1. 1999 - first prototype versions
  2. 2006 - 1.6 - hit critical mass of features for wider use
  3. Almost everyone in room has only encountered 1.9

5 key drivers for 2.0


  1. Create/removing courses, users and roles
  2. Move people in and out
  3. Manage activities
  4. Structure the site
  5. Increased modularity
  6. Alternative interfaces such as Flash, iPhone etc.
  7. Remote control of Moodle: Tiresome to go through web-interface

e.g., Web Services API


  1. Any CMS/LMS/VLE is a system of control
  2. Many educators want to increase their control
  3. Others want to give more control to students
  4. Course completion and progress trackng
  5. Conditional activities
  6. Individual permissions
  7. Privacy restrictions
  8. General security
  9. Course completion / Progress tracking


  1. Push/pull/exchange data
  2. Blend with institutional web services
  3. Support standards for data exchange
  4. Encourage mashups - using feeds in and out
  5. Rep***?
  6. Examples: Flickr (image repository) integration; Riffly video integration; Audio integration
  7. Portfolios: Alfresco, Mahara, Flickr, GoogleDocs, Almost any other content repository
  8. Messaging: Rewritten for 2.0; now all messages go through the same system and the user can more easily control/toggle options and what happens to their messages
  9. Google integration / MS Exchange integration


  1. Consistent navigation
  2. Consistent layout and structure
  3. Beautiful themes
  4. No dead ends
  5. More AJAX where appropriate
  6. More early testing on real users
  7. Accessible on a wide range of devices


  1. Original model: An exploration of the use of an open source osftware .... (unfinished PhD)
    1. People + Software Tools = Community
    2. MD prefers constructionist to constructivist
  2. What actually happens
    1. But really it goes like = start with content - and don't get further (this is like a hierarchy of engagement - levels model for teacher)
    2. Provide a passive forum
    3. Use Quizzes/Assignments (less management)
    4. Use Wiki, Glossary, Database (collab content)
    5. Facilitate active discussions in the Forum
    6. Combining the activities inot sequences (not just content followed by a quiz; e.g., read something, make glossary, and do then do something with it and then lead into more things, etc. - not much of this happening - mostly its uploaded content and sometimes test)
    7. Introduce external activities and games
    8. Use peer-review modules like Workshop (best and worst of Moodle interface)
    9. Use Survey tools and logs to study/reflect (analytics; ongoing feedback)
    10. Share ideas, active research, communities!

Community hubs

A moodle site can be switched over to be a hub server - a place for connecting other Moodle sites

  1. By publishing courses for download - use publish button - IMS Long (meta-data) - backups into Hub server - with some central listing at
  2. By offering community sites/courses

Long-term future

  1. Moodle 2.0 - rewrite of the underlying platform infrastructure, connectivity etc.
  2. 2.1 etc. pedagogy, teaching, learning, usability
  3. Ang then .. single huge web service?


  1. Anyone in the core team dedicated to usability - answer no: there is/was a Google Summer of Code Olli Salvoneinen
  2. Reporting stats - not much improvement in 2.0 - but could be relatively easily written - no-one's really working on it - or 3rd party open source tools such as Jasper - business intelligence with GUI
  3. Gradebook - exporting/importing into ed. system admin - can do this with 1.9.5+
  4. Online conferencing etc. - 5 options Elluminate (plugin) Dim Dim (open source), Adobe Connect Pro, Wimba, Maritech (Google)
  5. How will Moodle 2.0 help to prevent the scroll of death? - see different Course formats e.g. Accordion (ajaxy)