User:James Neill/Moodleposium/2009/Dougiamas
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Main page: Moodleposium/2009/Dougiamas
Moodle 2 and the Push for Pedagogy
- Martin Dougiamas, Lead Moodler,
- Free and open source software
(neglects for example to mention stuff like the presentation being given is (c) Martin Dougiamas!)
- Bunch of stats about number of Moodle installs by country etc.
Organisational components - forums/discussion - - not many people out of the audience have been there - but MD describes it as the "heart" of Moodle development - esp. for community-driven development - e.g., voting is valuable/important - describes features including a GUI mockup (balsamiq.mockups - plugin) MoodleMoots
What presentation software? (MMAP?) (Mac?) (3-d slide rotation)
Moodle Economics
- Some organising force (e.g. someone taking responsibility)
- Limited by time and money
- (receives donations and contracts and moodle partner royalties - commercial, for profit) - (forums etc.) - 200 people have write access to Moodle
- Moodle partners pay royalities to (who then employ 12 people)
- Sometimes is contracted e.g., Open University - to develop specific stuff which can be written into core code
Moodle History
- 1999 - first prototype versions
- 2006 - 1.6 - hit critical mass of features for wider use
- Almost everyone in room has only encountered 1.9
5 key drivers for 2.0
- Create/removing courses, users and roles
- Move people in and out
- Manage activities
- Structure the site
- Increased modularity
- Alternative interfaces such as Flash, iPhone etc.
- Remote control of Moodle: Tiresome to go through web-interface
e.g., Web Services API
- Any CMS/LMS/VLE is a system of control
- Many educators want to increase their control
- Others want to give more control to students
- Course completion and progress trackng
- Conditional activities
- Individual permissions
- Privacy restrictions
- General security
- Course completion / Progress tracking
- Push/pull/exchange data
- Blend with institutional web services
- Support standards for data exchange
- Encourage mashups - using feeds in and out
- Rep***?
- Examples: Flickr (image repository) integration; Riffly video integration; Audio integration
- Portfolios: Alfresco, Mahara, Flickr, GoogleDocs, Almost any other content repository
- Messaging: Rewritten for 2.0; now all messages go through the same system and the user can more easily control/toggle options and what happens to their messages
- Google integration / MS Exchange integration
- Consistent navigation
- Consistent layout and structure
- Beautiful themes
- No dead ends
- More AJAX where appropriate
- More early testing on real users
- Accessible on a wide range of devices
- Original model: An exploration of the use of an open source osftware .... (unfinished PhD)
- People + Software Tools = Community
- MD prefers constructionist to constructivist
- What actually happens
- But really it goes like = start with content - and don't get further (this is like a hierarchy of engagement - levels model for teacher)
- Provide a passive forum
- Use Quizzes/Assignments (less management)
- Use Wiki, Glossary, Database (collab content)
- Facilitate active discussions in the Forum
- Combining the activities inot sequences (not just content followed by a quiz; e.g., read something, make glossary, and do then do something with it and then lead into more things, etc. - not much of this happening - mostly its uploaded content and sometimes test)
- Introduce external activities and games
- Use peer-review modules like Workshop (best and worst of Moodle interface)
- Use Survey tools and logs to study/reflect (analytics; ongoing feedback)
- Share ideas, active research, communities!
Community hubs
A moodle site can be switched over to be a hub server - a place for connecting other Moodle sites
- By publishing courses for download - use publish button - IMS Long (meta-data) - backups into Hub server - with some central listing at
- By offering community sites/courses
Long-term future
- Moodle 2.0 - rewrite of the underlying platform infrastructure, connectivity etc.
- 2.1 etc. pedagogy, teaching, learning, usability
- Ang then .. single huge web service?
- Anyone in the core team dedicated to usability - answer no: there is/was a Google Summer of Code Olli Salvoneinen
- Reporting stats - not much improvement in 2.0 - but could be relatively easily written - no-one's really working on it - or 3rd party open source tools such as Jasper - business intelligence with GUI
- Gradebook - exporting/importing into ed. system admin - can do this with 1.9.5+
- Online conferencing etc. - 5 options Elluminate (plugin) Dim Dim (open source), Adobe Connect Pro, Wimba, Maritech (Google)
- How will Moodle 2.0 help to prevent the scroll of death? - see different Course formats e.g. Accordion (ajaxy)