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Talk:Travis integration

From MoodleDocs
Note: This page contains previous Travis dev docs. Please move relevant content to Travis Integration then this page can be deleted.

Travis-ci is a continuous integration server.

Moodle core

Moodle 3.0 comes bundled with a .travis.yml file which executes Moodle's unit tests suite and PHP lint. More checkings might be added in future.

For previous Moodle versions you can either use Moodle 3.0 .travis.yml file (you will probably have to adapt it) or use the following example ([1]) Signup on Travis, put the .travis.yml file into your repository, link the repository to Travis and Travis will run all your phpunit tests each time you push to your repository.

language: php php:

 - "5.4"
 - "5.3"


- DB=mysqli
- DB=pgsql


- pear channel-discover
- pear channel-discover
- pear install
- phpenv rehash
- cp config-dist.php config.php
- sh -c "sed -i -e s/'password'// -e s/ -e s%/home/example%$HOME% -e 's%\(\$CFG.*phpu\)%\n\1%' config.php"
- sh -c "if [ '$DB' = 'mysqli' ]; then mysql -e 'create database moodle default character set UTF8 collate UTF8_bin;'; fi"
- sh -c "if [ '$DB' = 'mysqli' ]; then sed -i -e s/\'pgsql\'/\'mysqli\'/ -e s/\'username\'/\'root\'/ config.php; fi"
- sh -c "if [ '$DB' = 'pgsql' ]; then psql -c 'create database moodle;' -U postgres; fi"
- sh -c "if [ '$DB' = 'pgsql' ]; then sed -i s/\'username\'/\'postgres\'/ config.php; fi"
- mkdir -m777 $HOME/moodledata
- php admin/tool/phpunit/cli/init.php

Moodle plugins

An example on how to run phpunit/behat tests on travis for a Moodle plugin (here the plugin is the Oauth2 authentication plugin): before_install:

 - "export DISPLAY=:99.0"
 - "sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start"

language: php php:

 - "5.4"


- DB=mysqli MOODLE_VERSION=master
- DB=pgsql MOODLE_VERSION=master


- git clone git:// ../moodle && cd ../moodle
- git checkout $MOODLE_VERSION
- sudo apt-get update > /dev/null
- composer self-update
- composer install --dev --prefer-dist
- mv ../moodle-auth_googleoauth2 auth/googleoauth2
- git clone git:// theme/oauth2easy
- pear channel-discover
- pear channel-discover
- pear install
- phpenv rehash
- cp config-dist.php config.php
- sh -c "sed -i -e s/'password'// -e s/ -e s%/home/example%$HOME% -e 's%\(\$CFG.*phpu\)%\n\1%' config.php"
- sh -c "sed -i -e s/'password'// -e s/ -e s%/home/example%$HOME% -e 's%\(\$CFG.*bht\)%\n\1%' config.php"
- sh -c "if [ '$DB' = 'mysqli' ]; then mysql -e 'create database moodle default character set UTF8 collate UTF8_bin;'; fi"
- sh -c "if [ '$DB' = 'mysqli' ]; then sed -i -e s/\'pgsql\'/\'mysqli\'/ -e s/\'username\'/\'root\'/ config.php; fi"
- sh -c "if [ '$DB' = 'pgsql' ]; then psql -c 'create database moodle;' -U postgres; fi"
- sh -c "if [ '$DB' = 'pgsql' ]; then sed -i s/\'username\'/\'postgres\'/ config.php; fi"
- mkdir -m777 $HOME/moodledata
- php admin/tool/phpunit/cli/init.php
- "(php -S localhost:8000 &) 2> /dev/null > /dev/null"
- "wget"
- "(java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.31.0.jar &) 2> /dev/null > /dev/null"
- php admin/tool/behat/cli/init.php


- if [ $MOODLE_VERSION = 'master' ]; then vendor/bin/behat --config /home/travis/bht_moodledata/behat/behat.yml --tags @auth_googleoauth2; fi
- phpunit auth_googleoauth2_lib_testcase auth/googleoauth2/tests/lib_test.php

Email notifications

Add to when MDL-52407 is integrated and remove this note after.

  1. Email notifications will be sent by default to the committer and the commit author. If you want to turn off email notifications for this repository, you can define an environment variable with name MOODLE_EMAIL and no as value.

Define an environment variable

See also

The forum post with the original examples from David Scotson and Jerome Mouneyrac.