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Notes about legacy page classes

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The page is some notes about the legacy lib/pagelib.php, and is solely for my benefit as I plan how to change it in Navigation 2.0 implementation plan without breaking backwards compatibility too badly ;-)

Definition of page classes

page_base subclasses that exist in core

List of the classes according to the file which defines them.

page_base, __construct, construct, init_full, init_quick, get_type, get_id, get_format_name, get_body_class, get_body_id, print_header, blocks_get_positions, blocks_default_position, blocks_move_position, blocks_get_default, url_get_path, url_get_parameters, url_get_full, user_allowed_editing, user_is_editing, edit_always
page_course extends page_base, init_full, init_quick, get_type, get_format_name, print_header, blocks_get_positions, blocks_default_position, blocks_move_position, blocks_get_default, url_get_path, url_get_parameters, user_allowed_editing, user_is_editing
page_generic_activity extends page_base, init_full, print_header, blocks_get_positions, blocks_default_position, url_get_parameters, url_get_path, user_allowed_editing, user_is_editing
✔ admin/pagelib.php
page_admin extends page_base, get_type, print_header, blocks_get_positions, blocks_default_position, blocks_move_position, blocks_get_default, url_get_path, url_get_parameters, user_allowed_editing, user_is_editing, init_extra, set_extra_button, set_extra_url_params
blog/blogpage.php why isn't this called pagelib.php?
page_blog extends page_base, init_full, init_quick, get_type, get_format_name, print_header, blocks_get_positions, blocks_default_position, blocks_move_position, blocks_get_default, url_get_path, url_get_parameters, user_allowed_editing, user_is_editing, get_extra_header_string
page_chat extends page_generic_activity, init_quick, get_type
page_data extends page_generic_activity, init_quick, get_type, print_header
page_lesson extends page_generic_activity, get_type, print_header, blocks_get_positions, blocks_default_position, blocks_move_position, url_get_parameters, set_lessonpageid
page_quiz extends page_generic_activity, init_quick, get_type
page_my_moodle extends page_base, get_type, print_header, blocks_get_positions, blocks_default_position, blocks_move_position, url_get_parameters, url_get_path, user_allowed_editing, user_is_editing
✔ tag/pagelib.php
page_tag extends page_base, get_type, get_format_name, print_header, print_footer, blocks_get_positions, blocks_default_position, blocks_move_position, url_get_parameters, url_get_path, user_allowed_editing, user_is_editing

Pagelib files in contrib

I checked the HEAD and 1.9 branches in contrib CVS.

This is a hack that becomes obsolete. No worries.
page_dimdim extends page_generic_activity, init_quick, get_type, print_header
page_game extends page_generic_activity, init_quick, get_type, print_header
page_game extends page_generic_activity, init_quick, get_type
page_wiki extends page_generic_activity, init_quick, get_type, print_header, blocks_move_position

Uses of $PAGE

In core

190 references to $PAGE in 30 files

Pages that need a small amount of standard re-work (which should be documented on Migrating your code code to the 2.0 rendering API as I do it). That is, only uses the things listed as 'Calls to' in the next section.

  • course/format/scorm/format.php
  • course/format/social/format.php
  • course/format/topics/format.php
  • course/format/weeks/format.php
  • course/rest.php
  • course/view.php
  • lib/moodlelib.php - isediting function, which we may deprecate since we can now use $PAGE->is_editing() everywhere
  • lib/weblib.php - three todos that are waiting for $PAGE->context
  • mod/chat/view.php
  • mod/data/view.php
  • mod/lesson/action/continue.html
  • mod/lesson/action/continue.php
  • mod/lesson/locallib.php
  • mod/lesson/view.php - special $PAGE->set_lessonpageid bit. Replace with $PAGE->set_sub_page.
  • mod/lesson/viewend.php
  • mod/lesson/viewstart.php
  • mod/quiz/view.php
  • mod/resource/lib.php
  • my/index.php
  • tag/index.php
  • index.php

Pages that need a bit more work that that:

  • Things relating to page-admin and $PAGE->section
    • admin/settings.php
    • blocks/admin_bookmarks/block_admin_bookmarks.php
    • blocks/admin_tree/block_admin_tree.php
    • lib/adminlib.php
  • blocks/moodleblock.class.php - checks $PAGE->type and ->id

Pages that will need major rework

  • lib/blocklib.php
  • admin/stickyblocks.php - will be replaced by the new block editing UI.
  • blog
    • blog/footer.php
    • blog/header.php - sets lots of stuff like $PAGE->courseid, $PAGE->filterselect, $PAGE->tagid - looks like abuse of global variables.

In contrib

204 references, but 122 if you exclude contrib/old on the 1.9 branch. 163 references if you exclude contrib/old on the HEAD branch.

Calls to

  • $PAGE = page_create_object(...)
  • $pageblocks = blocks_setup($PAGE, ...)
  • blocks_print_group($PAGE, ...)
  • $pageblocks = blocks_get_by_page($PAGE)
  • $PAGE->user_allowed_editing()
  • $PAGE->user_is_editing()
  • $missingblocks = blocks_get_missing($PAGE, $pageblocks) Missing blocks are really means blocks that the user is allowed to add to this page.
  • $PAGE->print_header($title)
  • $PAGE->url_get_full(...)
  • unset($PAGE->_user_allowed_editing) horribly, I have seen this hack in several places! will not be backwards compatible, but there will be a new method to do this.

We should be able to support all that in a backwards compatible way.

More complex stuff in

  • patches/blocktopbottom/... - but that will be obsolete.
  • patches/center_blocks_position_patch/... - but that will be obsolete.
  • patches/dragmath seems to ship a custom lib/adminlib.php - no idea why, but I am not going to worry about breaking it.
  • plugins/mod/customlabel/_goodies/course/format/page/actions/activities.php refers to a non-existent $PAGE->print_tabs(...).
  • plugins/theme/wood_custom_corners/header.html does some nasty hacking based on page type. Will break.

I expect most of that will break, but I don't think there is anything that important in that list.

What happens to the various pagelib methods

need to work out if any of this logic is important, and if so move it
✔ blocks_get_positions
✔ blocks_default_position
✔ blocks_move_position
obsoleted by the new blocks system. We will just make deprecated functions that do nothing just to prevent fatal errors.
✔ blocks_get_default
actually, we don't need a general default blocks mechanism. Instead we should be using sticky blocks for most things. The one exception is default blocks on the course page. We will implement that as a special case using the existing $CFG variables.
✔ user_allowed_editing
the logic from subclass implementations needs to be moved elsewhere
✔ user_is_editing
✔ get_type
becomes return $PAGE->pagetype
✔ get_format_name
this is used to filter the allowed blocks by course format, something only about 2 blocks actually take advantage of. I think the correct solution is to set $PAGE->pagetype to, e.g. course-view-weeks or course-edit-weeks on the course view/edit page, and make get_format_name a deprecated synonym for get_type.
only used by blocklib when working out what blocks appear on a page, so remove after upgrading the blocks database tables
need to examine the logic in all subclasses, and work out what to do about it
✔ edit_always
only used by admin/stickyblocks.php - though the reference is actually in lib/blockslib.php - remove
✔ url_get_path
✔ url_get_full
keep deprecated implementations in terms of $PAGE->url
✔ url_get_parameters
move logic from subclasses that used to be here elsewhere, then reimplement in terms of $PAGE->url
✔ get_body_class
✔ get_body_id
not used anywhere, remove
✔ init_extra
✔ set_extra_url_params
hacks I added to the admin page class - fix admin and remove
✔ get_extra_header_string
only used by blog - remove
only used by lesson - remove and use with $PAGE->subpage instead
✔ print_footer
only defined/used in tags - remove.
✔ $CFG->pagepath
This was an evil hack - remove - replace with $PAGE->set_pagetype()
this constant is defined by admin/stickyblocks.php as a hack to let the blocks code know we are editing stickyblocks. Remove this once the new blocks editing is done.

See also