
If you want to create a new page for developers, you should create it on the Moodle Developer Resource site.

The app starts but it says it cannot connect to any site I try

This is because you need to use a different browser with special flags enabled so cross domains XHR requests are allowed.

In sort, you need to download Chromium from and open it with this command:

chromium --allow-file-access-from-files --disable-web-security 

For additional information please, read: Moodle Mobile development using Chrome or Chromium

Some features like IMSCP, resource mini sites, local notifications are not working in the browser

Some features must be tested directly in a mobile device via ionic run android or ionic run ios.

It will require you to install the platform specific SDK or development tools, follow your platform guide here:

Is the app a replacement of the MyMobile theme?

No, see

What is the difference between a native app and a Mobile specific theme or responsive theme?

