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Creating mobile question types

From MoodleDocs

An empty template for creating quiz question types with mobile support is available from here

The files that need to be modified/added are


defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();

$addons = [

   "qtype_YOURQTYPENAME" => [
       "handlers" => [ // Different places where the add-on will display content.
           'YOURQTYPENAME' => [ // Handler unique name (can be anything).
               'displaydata' => [
                   'title' => 'YOURQTYPENAME question',
                   'icon' => '/question/type/YOURQTYPENAME/pix/icon.gif',
                   'class' => ,
               'delegate' => 'CoreQuestionDelegate', // Delegate (where to display the link to the add-on).
               'method' => 'mobile_get_YOURQTYPENAME',
               'offlinefunctions' => [
                   'mobile_get_YOURQTYPENAME' => [],// function in classes/output/mobile.php
               ], // Function needs caching for offline.
               'styles' => [
                   'url' => '/question/type/YOURQTYPENAME/mobile/styles_app.css',
                   'version' => '1.00'
       'lang' => [
                   ['pluginname', 'qtype_YOURQTYPENAME'], // matching value in  lang/en/qtype_YOURQTYPENAME


html template

Your question type will need an html/ionic markup template file that controls how it is displayed at runtime. Ionic markup is based on the Angular template syntax which you can read about here

You can see a real world examples of question type templates at and

(oumr.html is probably a more sensible naming convetion)

Create a file named mobile/addon-qtype-YOURQTYPENAME.html

<section class="list qtype-YOURQTYPENAME-container qtype-YOURQTYPENAME" ion-list *ngIf="question.text || question.text === ">

   <ion-item text-wrap class="addon-qtype-YOURQTYPENAME-container qtext">

<core-format-text [component]="component" [componentId]="componentId" [text]="question.text" (afterRender)="questionRendered()"></core-format-text>



The reference to questionRendered() will call the method of that name in the mobile/mobile.js file.


This file connects PHP with the html/ionic markup template and the mobile.js javascript which contains most of the runtime logic namespace qtype_YOURQTYPENAME\output;

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();

class mobile {

class mobile {

   public static function mobile_get_YOURQTYPENAME() {
       global $CFG;
       return [
           'templates' => [
                   'id' => 'main',
                   'html' => file_get_contents($CFG->dirroot .'/question/type/YOURQTYPENAME/mobile/addon-qtype-YOURQTYPENAME.html')
           'javascript' => file_get_contents($CFG->dirroot . '/question/type/YOURQTYPENAME/mobile/mobile.js')



This is where most of the logic is placed such as changing css classes. var that = this; var result = {

   componentInit: function() {
       if (!this.question) {
           console.warn('Aborting because of no question received.');
           return that.CoreQuestionHelperProvider.showComponentError(that.onAbort);
       const div = document.createElement('div');
       div.innerHTML = this.question.html;
        // Get question questiontext.
       const questiontext = div.querySelector('.qtext');
       // Replace Moodle's correct/incorrect and feedback classes with our own.
       // Only do this if you want to use the standard classes
        // Treat the correct/incorrect icons.

       if (div.querySelector('.readonly') !== null) {
           this.question.readonly = true;
       if (div.querySelector('.feedback') !== null) {
  = div.querySelector('.feedback');
           this.question.feedbackHTML = true;
        this.question.text = this.CoreDomUtilsProvider.getContentsOfElement(div, '.qtext');
       if (typeof this.question.text == 'undefined') {
           this.logger.warn('Aborting because of an error parsing question.',;
           return this.CoreQuestionHelperProvider.showComponentError(this.onAbort);
       // Called by the reference in *.html to 
       // (afterRender)="questionRendered()
       this.questionRendered = function questionRendered() {
           //do stuff that needs the question rendered before it can run.
       // Wait for the DOM to be rendered.
       setTimeout(() => {
           //put stuff here that will be pulled from the rendered question
       return true;

}; result;


This assumes you have class="qtype-YOURQTYPENAME-container in your html template. Changes will be updated when you increment the value of styles[version] in db/mobile.php .qtype-YOURQTYPENAME .yourclassname {

    attributename: attributevalue;
