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Acceptance testing/Browsers

From MoodleDocs

This page complements Acceptance testing providing info about how to run the acceptance tests suite in different browsers.


There are Selenium drivers ( to run acceptance tests in different browsers:

Each driver should be downloaded and Selenium .jar should be started specifying the path to the driver; depending on the driver there could be other requirements.


PhantomJS is different as it is a headless browser as it is quite faster than other drivers, it doesn't need a GUI to run and can execute JS, it doesn't even need to be used through Selenium (you can do it though) and you can do it

Note that 4444 is the default port used by Selenium so you must specify another one if you want to run them together and specify the port in $CFG->behat_config.


 # Selenium in Linux (firefox by default + chrome)
 java -jar /opt/selenium-server-standalone.jar
 # Selenium in OSx (firefox & safari by default + chrome)
 java -jar /Users/moodle/Downloads/selenium-server-standalone.jar
 # Selenium in Windows (started using git bash) (firefox by default + chrome + internet explorer)
 java -jar /c/seleniumdrivers/selenium-server-standalone.jar
 # PhantomJS
 /path/to/your/phantomjs/bin/phantomjs --webdriver=4444

Not all the drivers can execute all of Moodle's step definitions; we tagged the step definitions that are using feature not supported by all browsers or that should be considered:

File uploads (@_upload) Browser dialogs (@_alerts) Switch window (@_switch_window) Switch frame (@_switch_iframe)
Firefox Yes Yes Yes Yes
Chrome Yes Yes No Yes
Internet Explorer Yes Yes No Yes
Safari Yes No No Yes
PhantomJS No Yes No Yes