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Inplace editable

From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 10:02, 2 February 2016 by Marina Glancy (talk | contribs) (Created page with "inplace_editable is a mini-API introduced in Moodle 3.1. It allows developers easily add in-place editing of a value on any page. The interface looks very similar to activity...")
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inplace_editable is a mini-API introduced in Moodle 3.1. It allows developers easily add in-place editing of a value on any page. The interface looks very similar to activity name editing but implemented as AMD module using JQuery and is re-usable.

inplace_editable consists of

  • Template core/inplace_editable
  • Javascript module core/inplace_editable
  • Webservice core_update_inplace_editable available from AJAX
  • Interface core\inplace_editable_saver_base

Implementing inplace_editable in a plugin

Define class \yourpluginname\inplace_editable_saver, typically it will look like this:

namespace yourpluginname;
class inplace_editable_saver implements core\inplace_editable_saver_base {
    public function render_value($itemtype, $object) {
        $value = $object->name;
        $displayvalue = format_string($value); // You can add html link to the displayvalue.
        $editable = has_capability('....', context_system::instance());
        $edithint = 'Edit name';
        $editlabel = 'New value for '.format_string($value); // Obviously, use strings here!
        return new \core\output\inplace_editable('yourpluginname', $itemtype, $object->id, $editable, $displayvalue,
            $value, $edithint, $editlabel);

    public function update_value($itemtype, $itemid, $newvalue) {
        // Always clean and validate input!
        $newvalue = clean_param($newvalue, PARAM_NOTAGS);
        // Check permission of the user to update this item. Call require_login($course) if needed.
        require_capability('....', context_system::instance());
        $object = $DB->get_record('tablename', array('id' => $itemid), '*', MUST_EXIST);
        // Update the record (the best way is to call an existing function for it).
        $DB->update_record('tablename', array('id' => $itemid, 'name' => $newvalue));
        return $this->render_value($itemtype, $object);

In your renderer where you display the value call:

        $tmpl = new core_tag\inplace_editable_saver();
        echo $OUTPUT->render($tmpl->render_value($itemtype, $object));

That's it!

See also
