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Quiz support in the Mobile app

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Quiz support in the Mobile app
Project state In Progress
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The quiz module and the question bank are two of the most sophisticated and complex features in Moodle (quizzes are not supported neither in BBLearn app and Canvas LMS app due to their complexity). They are also the most commonly used features in courses.

Quiz support in the Mobile app is one of the most requested features by users; in this document I’m going to do a brief analysis about the implications of adding basic support to quizzes in the app.

The main purpose of this document is to estimate the effort in man-hour for developing such feature.

Basically, the quiz module allows the teacher to build question tests. A quiz is a set of questions that a user has to answer. The quiz module has advanced features like multiple attempts, time limits, submission grace periods, question shuffling, question paging, possible answers shuffling, question behaviors (like adaptive mode, manual grading, interactive), delays between attempts, force browse security, etc…

Moodle comes with 10 different question types, (description, essay, multi choice, match, truefalse, shortanswer, numerical, calculated, calculatedsimple, calculatedmultiple, close) (Note that for Moodle 3.0 new question types had been added), and it allows additional types via plugins.

Simple question types use standard HTML and complex ones may use Javascript, Java Applets or HTML 5 elements (like canvas, etc..)

It will be very complex implement support for all the features of this module, so the initial approach should be to implement most-cases support for quizzes. This means that the app will check if a quiz is compatible or not based on the quiz settings and the questions used. It’s also important to note that the only quizzes supported will be those with Deferred feedback as question behavior. Deferred feedback means that the user will see the questions feedback once the quiz is finished.

Options to be supported:

  • Open and close quiz dates
  • Multiple attempts and grading methods
  • Pagination
  • Require password
  • Require network address
  • Time limit
  • Submission grace period
  • Navigation method
  • Shuffle questions
  • Shuffle within questions
  • Each attempt builds on the last
  • Question behaviors: Adaptive mode and Adaptive mode (no penalties), manual grading, interactive mode, immediate feedback, Deferred feedback or Immediate feedback with Certainty-based marking (CBM)

Attempts restrictions:

  • Delays between attempts

Options initially not supported:

  • Offline quizzes (the user must be connected while doing the quiz)
  • Browser security

Only quizzes with the options listed in the first section will be supported. The question types included in the quiz will be checked too, only quizzes including the following Moodle question types will be initially supported:

description, essay, multi choice, match, truefalse, shortanswer, numerical, calculated, calculatedsimple, calculatedmulti

Moodle Web Services

The app needs to retrieve all the quiz related information from the Moodle site, this means that we will need new Web Services for the quiz module.


This Web Service will return all the quizzes a student can see in a course, including basic information like the number of attempts allowed, the grading method, quiz availability dates, if the quiz requires password, etc.. All the information returned by the WS will be data that the user can see in the web interface.


Returns the list of attempts for the user and their status (finished, inprogress, overdue, abandoned) See:


Return capabilities information and the quiz_access_manager::prevent_access / prevent_new_attempt / get_preflight_check_for information


Starts a new attempt or continue an existing one, this WS will return the attempt id and additional information if required. If password is required (quiz is protected) it will be passed as parameter to this function. In Moodle this is done by startattempt.php.

mod_quiz_get_rendered_questions_on_page (maybe mod_quiz_get_attempt_data)

After starting or resuming an attempt, this WS will return a question page information including the questions (see questions rendering and interchange data format section for information about the questions format). Total page number, next page number, etc..


This is very similar to what the current autosave.ajax.php does, it will save the current quiz status and question answers. This will be called periodically (based on Moodle site global quiz settings) and in every page change.


This will process an attempt page (includes finishing it)

Other Web Services for displaying user data, or for getting required data


Get the best user grade on a finished quiz


Combines the review options from a number of different quiz attempts.


Return the review information for the given attempt


Return the attempt summary information


To trigger the quiz course module viewed event and completion


To trigger the attempt viewed event

Rendering and interchange data format.

One of the critical aspects of this development is to decide how the questions information will be exported via Web Services, there are two main alternatives:

Export the HTML as it’s generated by the questions renderers


  • We just need to style the HTML, no need to generate it in the app.
  • Questions includes the corrects ids and form elements needed by the save_attempt logic (that relies in _POST data)
  • Images and attachments can be handled nicely
  • Potentially, any question type that does not rely in Javascript would be compatible


The method should return if the question uses plain HTML (standard html form elements), javascript, java applets, flash... "is_plain_HTML"

Export the question using a question export format (GIFT or Moodle XML)


  • Clean data, without formatting


  • Limited types of question supported, contributes questions types are not going to be supported never
  • It misses questions files attachments

Question types supported by Moodle XML format (export):

description, essay, multi choice, match, truefalse, shortanswer, numerical, calculated, calculatedsimple, calculatedmulti

Question types supported by GIFT format (export):

description, essay, multi choice, match, truefalse, shortanswer, numerical

Common use case

  • As a student I open the app, log in to a site
  • Browse to a course
  • Select display the course contents
  • Open a quiz activity:
  • The app checks if the quiz is compatible via the mod_quiz_get_course_quizzes and the information from mod_quiz_get_access_information (and additional WS that will list the type of questions used will be required)
  • If the quiz is compatible and is open in time (and the rest of quiz restrictions are ok), the app downloads the users attempts via mod_quiz_start_get_attempts
  • If there is an incomplete attempt, the app continues the attempt via mod_quiz_continue_start_attempt (this function returns the attempt information like question responses)
  • If there aren’t incomplete attempts, then the user can do additional attempts. The app starts a new attempt via mod_quiz_process_attempt
  • The app then starts downloading the attempt pages and questions via the function mod_quiz_get_rendered_questions_on_page
  • The app automatically saves the attempts data via the mod_quiz_save_attempt function (that will do the same that the current autosave.ajax.php)
  • When the user finishes the attempt, the mod_quiz_finish_attempt function is called