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Translation langconfig

From MoodleDocs

Langconfig is an important file in a language pack, dealing with all the configuration parameters of that language. It is good practice to review this first when starting of a new language pack or when taking on responsability of an existing language pack. You can edit it by going to and find it as the core_langconfig compontent for your language.

On this page you find a little documentation for each setting to help you deciding what should go there for your language


The alphabet in your language. Used e.g. for the list of letters on the participants page.



How decimals are separated in your language. Usually a dot or a comma. Take note that some countries which seem to share the same language may have a different character to separate the integer part from the fractional part of a number written in decimal form. e.g. Central American Spanish-speaking countries use the decimal point, while South American Spanish-speaking countries use the decimal comma.


* English: 36.5
* Dutch: 36,5


The first day of the week in your language. Allowed values are 0,1,2,3,4,5,6, where 0 stands for Sunday.


The ISO 639.1 value for your language. You can find this value easily on Wikipedia.


The ISO 639.2 value for your language. You can find this value easily on Wikipedia.


How a label is separated from a form. Could be a colon, a space and a colon or something different, according to what's generally used in your language. This character is not read by screen readers for accessibility reasons.


The symbol usually used in your language, for separating items in a list. This is used e.g. when using formulas with multiple items in the gradebook. This must be a symbol different from the decsep symbol.


locale for *nix servers.

If your Moodle calendar is not translated, then this string is wrong (or your server is not configured to support the language)


locale for Windows servers.

If your Moodle calendar is not translated, then this string is wrong (or your server is not configured to support the language). There are quite a few languages that are not supported by Windows servers and the localewin server can not be set. In that case, you have to run your Moodle on a *nix server to make the translation of your Moodle calendar work


The character set to use when Moodle is installed on a Windows server


Necessary to upgrade from prior to 1.6. This string defines the charset used in 1.5 and earlier for this language pack. For language packs that start later then Moodle 1.5, this can be left empty


If your language pack relies on another one, then this is the place to point out which language pack. For most language packs, this should be left empty, to default to English if strings are missing.

Example: Canadian French (fr_ca) is mostly the same as French (fr) apart from a few changes. Creating a language pack with as parent language French will shop French if a string does not exist in the language pack Canadian French. If a string doesn't exist in both language packs, English is shown.

On the download page for the language packs ( you can see how many strings are different from the parent language pack. In Moodle 2.6, Canadian French had 1048 changes from French.


How time and date are displayed in Moodle. Usually it is fine to check the order of the English one and use the same symbols. If that doesn't serve your needs, the complete reference for what is possible can be found on


How time and date are displayed in Moodle. Usually it is fine to check the order of the English one and use the same symbols. If that doesn't serve your needs, the complete reference for what is possible can be found on


How time and date are displayed in Moodle. Usually it is fine to check the order of the English one and use the same symbols. If that doesn't serve your needs, the complete reference for what is possible can be found on


How time and date are displayed in Moodle. Usually it is fine to check the order of the English one and use the same symbols. If that doesn't serve your needs, the complete reference for what is possible can be found on


How time and date are displayed in Moodle. Usually it is fine to check the order of the English one and use the same symbols. If that doesn't serve your needs, the complete reference for what is possible can be found on


How time and date are displayed in Moodle. Usually it is fine to check the order of the English one and use the same symbols. If that doesn't serve your needs, the complete reference for what is possible can be found on


How time and date are displayed in Moodle. Usually it is fine to check the order of the English one and use the same symbols. If that doesn't serve your needs, the complete reference for what is possible can be found on


How time and day are displayed in short in Moodle. Usually it is fine to check the order of the English one and use the same symbols. If that doesn't serve your needs, the complete reference for what is possible can be found on


How time and day are displayed in Moodle. Usually it is fine to check the order of the English one and use the same symbols. If that doesn't serve your needs, the complete reference for what is possible can be found on


How month and year are displayed in Moodle. Usually it is fine to check the order of the English one and use the same symbols. If that doesn't serve your needs, the complete reference for what is possible can be found on


How time and date are displayed in Moodle. Usually it is fine to check the order of the English one and use the same symbols. If that doesn't serve your needs, the complete reference for what is possible can be found on


How time and date are displayed for recent activities in Moodle. Usually it is fine to check the order of the English one and use the same symbols. If that doesn't serve your needs, the complete reference for what is possible can be found on


How time is displayed in Moodle. Usually it is fine to check the order of the English one and use the same symbols. If that doesn't serve your needs, the complete reference for what is possible can be found on


In which direction your language should be displayed on the screen. Possible options are ltr (left to right) or rtl (right to left)


How text that is printed vertical on the screen is oriënted (like in a docked block).

Values can be btt (bottom to top) or ttb (top to bottom)


The name of your language in your own language


The name of your language in English


How you separate thousands in your language. Important: this can not be a space (more information in discussion If you want a space, you can try with   but that is not fully tested yet.


* in Dutch 1.000.000 (with a dot)
* in English 1,000,000 (with a comma)