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From MoodleDocs

These docs are still under construction. Contact simon ~dot~ coggins ~at~ totaralms {dot} com for more details or suggestions for improvements.

Report Builder technical documentation

See for more details

Report builder has an API intended to make it easy to extend the functionality in a number of ways. The primary feature is the ability to write report sources, that allow the user to generate reports based on specific data from within moodle.

It is also possible to create new content and access restrictions, filter types, and display functions.

Beginner Topics

Intermediate Topics

Advanced Topics

Embedded Reports

  • Overview
  • Access restrictions in embedded reports
  • Embedded reports in My Reports list
  • Resetting to defaults
  • Embedded parameters


  • Common Exceptions (automatic check errors)
  • Other errors
  • Debugging tools
  • Choosing a base table / Performance