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Git for developers

From MoodleDocs

This document has for purpose to make you start quickly (in the hour) Moodle development with GIT. It doesn't have for purpose to explain you GIT. Please have a look to the full documentation for a better understanding of GIT... (TODO)

The set up

1. Go to Github and create an account.

2. Go to the official Moodle Github repository and click on the Fork button. You now have your own github Moodle repository.

3. Install GIT on your computer. If you are on Mac, git-osx-installer installs it in few click.

4. Now the technical part, you will need to setup your SSH public key, so you can push to your github Moodle repository from your local Moodle repository. On Mac you can go on this Github help page. If you are on another system, go to the Github administration, to the section SSH Public Keys, and you should see a link to a help page. Is it done? Good, it was the most difficult.

Working on 2.0

1. Create a local clone repository of your github repository. In a terminal: git clone ./YOUR_LOCAL_MOODLE_FOLDER/

2. You will create a update script in order to update your github and local repository from First edit the file .git/config in YOUR_LOCAL_MOODLE_FOLDER. Modify for something like this:


       repositoryformatversion = 0
       filemode = true
       bare = false
       logallrefupdates = true
       ignorecase = true

[remote "origin"]

       fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
       url =

[branch "cvshead"]

       remote = upstream
       merge = refs/heads/cvshead

[remote "upstream"]

   url = git://
   fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/upstream/*

Note: you could have done it with a "git remote add" command, but I though it was important for you to know this settings file.

3. Create the update script (name it "update_github")

cd YOUR_LOCAL_MOODLE_FOLDER git fetch upstream git checkout cvshead git pull git push origin refs/remotes/upstream/cvshead:cvshead

4. Run the./update_github script. Your local repository ("cvshead" branch) and your github repository ("cvshead" branch) will be updated from

5. Now when you want to work on a new issue. The (not detailled) process is the following:

  • run the update script (the script will switch to "cvshead" branch, so take care to stach/commit the changes of your current branch)
  • create a new branch
  • fix your issue with your favorite IDE.
  • commit, push and do a pull request.

Working on 1.9 or earlier branches

This is just a little bit more complicated that working on 2.0. Please read the previous chapter before executing this one. You are going to create a new folder for working in 1.9. Actually you could work in the same folder that 2.0, but it will make thing a bit more messy and less easy to understand.

1. In a terminal


2. Now you are going to create a local 1.9 branch. You will keep this branch updated and you are never going to work in it. First we create this MOODLE_19_STABLE branch git checkout -b MOODLE_19_STABLE origin/MOODLE_19_STABLE

3. Add the remote upstream. You want it to update your local MOODLE_19_STABLE branch and your github (called "origin") MOODLE_19_STABLE branch. git remote add upstream git://

4. Create the update script in ./update_github cd /PATH_TO_YOUR_LOCAL_MOODLE_19_FOLDER/ git fetch upstream git checkout MOODLE_19_STABLE git pull git push origin refs/remotes/upstream/MOODLE_19_STABLE:MOODLE_19_STABLE