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Dialogue 2.0 specification

From MoodleDocs

This page tracks and summarises the progress of rewrite of the Dialogue module for Moodle 2.0. Moodle 2.0

Dialogue 2.0 specification
Status Draft
Tracker CONTRIB-2059


The Dialogue module allows students or teachers to start two-way dialogues with another person. They are course activities that can be useful when the teacher wants a place to give private feedback to a student on their online activity. For example, if a student is participating in a language forum and made a grammatical error that the teacher wants to point out without embarrassing the student, a dialogue is the perfect place. A dialogue activity would also be an excellent way for counsellors within an institution to interact with students - all activities are logged and email is available but not necessarily required.

Usage scenarios

  • Teacher sends same course welcome message to all students in “Course A” including future students. Not other roles. Multiple messages.
  • Teacher sends same group welcome message to all members of “Group A” including future members. All roles in “Group A”. Multiple messages.
  • Teacher sends same message to some students. Multiple messages.
  • A Teacher can send “Message” to a student. Student can view but not respond. Single user message.
  • A Student can send “Message” to a Teacher. But not to other students. Single user message.
  • Teacher A leaves, Teacher B needs to close a Dialogue that posts to all Students.
  • A specific Student (eg Class Rep with specified role) can send a “Message” to all students. Ongoing conversation allowed.
  • A Student can send a “Message” to a specific students (eg Class Rep with specified role). Ongoing conversation allowed.
  • All Teachers can view and participate in any existing conversation in a shared teaching situation.

Design goals

User interface mock-ups

Dialogue listing

Dialogue view

Dialogue new

Recipient picker

Implementation plan

Database structures


Field Type Default Description Notes
id int (10) auto-numbered
course int (10) 0 the course id this dialogue
intro text (medium) the description/assignment of the workshop
introformat int (3) 0 the format of the intro field
timemodified int (10) 0 the timestamp when the module was modified
edittime int (10) 0
maxattachments int (3) 1 number of attachments
maxbytes int (10) 100000 maximum size of the one attached file

Capabilities and Permissions

Capability Description Role permissions(defaults) Notes
mod/dialogue:open Open a dialogue with single recipient teacher
mod/dialogue:receive Can receive a dialogue student Can be used to control what roles are displayed in the recipient picker
mod/dialogue:reply Can reply to a dialogue teacher, student
mod/dialogue:closeown Can close a dialogue if have ownership teacher, student
mod/dialogue:deleteown Can delete a dialogue if have ownership teacher, student
mod/dialogue:deleteownreply Can delete own reply teacher, student Add ability to delete last reply in dialogue thread. Maybe/Maybe not?
mod/dialogue:openmultiple Can start a dialogue with multiple recipients teacher For sending the same dialogue to multiple recipients. Used for targeting particular group(s) of users or whole class.
mod/dialogue:viewany TO-DO TO-DO
mod/dialogue:replyany TO-DO TO-DO
mod/dialogue:closeany TO-DO TO-DO
mod/dialogue:deleteany TO-DO TO-DO

Group API

File API

Use filemanager element in the formslib to get one or more file from user for each post, file(s) stored permanently for future viewing.


Messaging API

Setup messageprovider for routing notifications.

Dialogue module instance options

Follow options can be configured when creating a new dialogue module instance or updating/editing a dialogue module instance.

  • Enable notifications
Allow notifications, passed on to Messaging API.
  • Include post content in notification
If enabled will include post content and link to specific dialogue conversation else will new post type message and link to specific dialogue conversation.

Event API


Can be used for any automated opening of dialogues for new course participants when all participants were selected in a multi-open dialogue.


Can be used for any automated opening of dialogues for new group members when group(s) were elected in a multi-open dialogue.


Cleanup function, delete any dialogues that user is a recipient.

Navigation functions

dialogue_extend_navigation($navref, $course, $module, $cm)

Can use for dialogue unread count, filters(All, Unread, Read e.t.c) providing direct linking.

dialogue_extend_settings_navigation(settings_navigation $settingsnav, navigation_node $dialoguenode)


