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LTI Improvements 3.2 Project

From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 05:27, 4 August 2016 by John Okely (talk | contribs) (Progress update)
Improvements to LTI for 3.2
Project state Developing
Tracker issue MDL-54679
Assignee John Okely


The LTI provider was added to Moodle 3.1 - but unfortunately our LTI provider and consumer do not support the same standard, are missing important functionality and need usability improvements. A range of issues have been identified and are being worked on for Moodle 3.2.


The targeted improvements for 3.2 are:

  • Offer cartridges in LTI provider
  • Support standard icon element when importing LTI cartridges
  • Upgrade enrol_lti to support LTI v2.0
  • Ensure enrol_lti member syncronisation task works as expected
  • Content Item support
  • Add support for LTI Outcomes Management 2 services
  • Caliper Analytics
  • Run the LTI Test suite against Moodle (consumer + provider) and create issues for any failures (in this Epic)
  • Fix auto-closing LTI config window
  • Improve interface for managing course tools
  • Add support for services via LTI1 (LTI1.2 spec)
  • Improve accessibility of new LTI admin screen

To see the most recent set of issues and status of the project see


  • Cartridges patch is completed, waiting for integration review
  • A Content-Item patch was started by Stephen Vickers. The patch has been altered and refactored. Working on automated testing now
  • A patch has been created using the new LTI library provided by IMS to bring the provider up to LTI 2.
  • Membership synchronisation is being looked at in conjunction with LTI2


The work in progress prototype is available to view on the prototype site. You can add tools via tool proxy, and via cartridge. You can configure a tool type when you add it using Content-item