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Submissions Library

From MoodleDocs

Project goal

Make activity module developers (not only Assignment developers) able to use submission types: both standard and community-developed.

Project scope

A library providing API for activity module submission types support implementation. Actual proposition is to make assignsubmission plugins system-level.

The existing modules requiring submissions (Assignment, Workshop) should use this library.

Relevant tracker issues

  1. MDL-47344 - Allow usage of submission methods in other plugins

Use cases

  1. Assignment: no comment.
  2. Workshop: uses submissions but it's another code doing the same.
  3. Lesson: as well as questions the submissions could be used at lessons for a small tasks. For example, a task at the end of lesson about MS Paint: draw an your dream house, save it and upload.
  4. Community module: for example, Assignment with individual tasks could not re-implement all existing submission types.
  5. Non-mod usage? If there is no such cases this library should only work with activity modules.

Database schema


Identifies all connected submission plugins to an activity modules.

Field Type Default Description
id bigint Auto-numbered.
context bigint Activity context.
area varchar(100) An area within activity module. A module may have a few.
method varchar(100) Submission plugin name. It is considered that the plugin is activated in these area of these activity module instance.


Stores plugins configuration.

Field Type Default Description
id bigint Auto-numbered.
binding bigint Activated plugin. Points to submissions_bindings record.
option varchar(100) Plugin setting name.
value text Setting value.


Identifies all submissions. A data associated with the submission is stored by plugin.

Field Type Default Description
id bigint Auto-numbered.
binding bigint Activated plugin. Points to submissions_bindings record.
itemid bigint null Identifies an element within area. For example, answer or user id.
timecreated bigint 0 When the submission was created.
timemodified bigint 0 Latest submission modification time.
status int 0 Draft (default), Latest, Archived.


This is a table example for "Online text" plugin. This table is not a part of library.

Field Type Default Description
id bigint Auto-numbered.
submissioninstance bigint Point to submission from submissions_instances table.
onlinetext text Actual submission data.
onlineformat int 0 Text format.


This is a table example for "File submission" plugin. This table is not a part of library.

Field Type Default Description
id bigint Auto-numbered.
submissioninstance bigint Point to submission from submissions_instances table.
numfiles bigint Number of submitted files.

How it works

API for activity modules

Activity instance settings form

In order to add a plugin settings elements on activity settings page the following method of moodleform_mod should be used: $this->standard_submission_coursemodule_elements();

Displaying a submission

Activity module should access the submissions using a submission class. $submission = new submission($context, $area);

First, a submission_instance object should be retrieved. $submissioninstance = $submission->get_submission_instance($itemid);

Next, it can be displayed. if ($submissioninstance) {

   // or
   $html = $submissioninstance->render();


Displaying submission form

Activity module should access the submissions using a submission class. $submission = new submission($context, $area);

A special method should be used to add elements on submission form. A previous submission can be loaded by specifying $baseitemid. $submission->add_submission_form_elements($mform, $baseitemid);

Save/update submission

Activity module should access the submissions using a submission class. $submission = new submission($context, $area);

To save or update the submission a special method should be used. It accepts submitted form data as its only argument. $submission->save($formdata);

Delete submission

All submissions associated with the activity module instance can be deleted by using the following static method: submission::delete_all_for_context($context);

Individual submissions can be deleted this way: $submission = new submission($context, $area); $submission->delete($itemid);

General workflow details

Student makes a submission

UML Sequence Diagram: student makes a submission

Teacher views student's submission

UML Sequence Diagram: teacher views student's submission

Someone tries to download a file from submissionplugin_file

UML Sequence Diagram: someone tries to download a file

TODO: add more details

Course module deletion

UML Sequence Diagram: course module deletion

TODO: add more details

How "File submission" plugin stores files

Accessing files

Submission plugin development


What else to consider

See also