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Errors handling in web services

From MoodleDocs



Exceptions are caught by the server that generate its own error format. All exceptions contain a translated message + debuginfo.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="moodle_exception">

   <MESSAGE>This is a not translated message</MESSAGE>
   <DEBUGINFO>This is a not translated message with more detailled info</DEBUGINFO>


How to handle exception on the client side

  • class name: can be used as a very generic code error
  • Message: not translated error message (static => can be used as code error). NOTE: core lib functions throw translated error messages. Client dev should not consider them as code error.
  • Debuginfo: not translated detailled error message (dynamic => this message can change following the error)

As debuginfo is only available on development mode site, client developers can only display a not detailled error message to their client. Not to mention that core lib function throw translated error message, clients have to do their best to avoid to trigger exception.

When to send an exception on the server side

  • DB WRITE functions must rollback when an exception is raised. We usually throw back the exception to the server.
  • Example: the user does not have appropriate access rights to call the function)

Warning messages

Warning messages are included in the return value of each external functions.


The warning format is different following the protocol. It can be JSON or XML. REST/SOAP/XMLRPC all got different XML format. However they all implement the following structure: list of (

   object {
       'key' string   //the key can be matched by the client developer
                       to find out what kind of error happened and implement a specific behavior against this error. 
                       For example: "userdoesntexist"
       'debug' string   //a not translated debug message to help the client developer to 
                          know straight away what is the issue
       'elementsdesc' string  Optional //explaination of the elements. For example:
                                        "elements is an array containing the missing user id" 
                                        "elements is a list of failing course id" or 
                                        "elements is an array(context, component, area, itemid) - the failing grade" or
                                        "elements is a list of non existing course/category 
                                        like (courseid1, categoryid1, courseid2, categoryid2...)"
       'elements'   //list of element
           list of ( 
               string/id/boolean/... (primary type)


How to handle warning on the client side

Parse the warnings. You should be able to implement some code logic against the returned warnings.

When to send a warning on the server side

Most of the time you send warning in get_xxx() functions.

  • Example: the user is requesting information for a list of courses and one of those courses in no longer available