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Talk:Core APIs

From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 01:49, 5 January 2012 by Sam Hemelryk (talk | contribs)

Some early comments about this list of APIs

  • Surely there is one reason for inventing this, completely bypassing the existing components (both for plugins, subplugins and subsystems). But I cannot really imagine it. Why not use direct mapping between components and APIs ? Code is going to use ones and docs are going to use another?
  • More yet, I don't get why the list of APIs ignores everything that is provided with plugin abilitites. Aren't "auth" or "enrol" or "reports" valid core APIs? In fact I think that the parts of Moodle currently working under the "plugins umbrella" are the most formal APIs we have in codebase (at least the OOP ones).
  • Some of the APIs in the list seem incorrect, inaccurate:
    • database API. it should be split, for sure in ddl and dml APIs at least.
    • time API. => datetime, surely.
    • renderer API => is that really an API
    • upgrade API => WTF is that? I'm specially interested on that, as far as it seems I'm the man in charge of documenting it and I don't know what the hell it is (MDL-30971).
    • grade and grading APIs => Should we have also group and grouping APIs? (sorry, joking, hehe, but don't buy the difference).
    • preference API : set/get/remove_user_preference() functions? Or also config ?
    • admin API ?
    • user API ?
    • install/uninstall API ?
    • ...
    • ...

So, in summary, I don't get which benefits this new list provides, nor I think we are doing well by keeping apart some APIs because of them being "pluggable", nor I think the APIs are well balanced at all. Just my 2cents (really not destructive, but constructive, although it sounds the opposite, guys).

--Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) 05:52, 5 January 2012 (WST)


Certainly I agree with Eloy on this one. Why introduce another list of the same API's we already have.
While they look 80% the difference between the code and documentation will cause real confusion for developers learning Moodle, especially in regards to terminology.

I think we need to take great care that we don't come up with new terminology for things within Moodle.
As Eloy noted there are some things in the API list that don't make sense, I've just gone through as part of MDL-30979 and updated the PHP docs for the Output API's. I assume that is what you mean by renderer API, hehe you've confused me with that one?!

--Sam Hemelryk 09:48, 5 January 2012 (WST)