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Moodle 2.1 release notes

From MoodleDocs

Moodle 2.1

Release date: Not yet released

Major new features

New question engine

  • Moodle question system has been rewritten to make it much more robust and to support lots of new possible functionality.
  • See summary of changes at the New question engine page and more details in the tracker MDL-20636.
  • Warning: This change requires a major database upgrade.
  • Backward compatibility warning: Random short-answer matching question type was moved out of the main Moodle distribution.

Ability to restore the course contents from Moodle 1.9 backup files

  • Course backup files created in Moodle 1.9 can be now restored during the normal restore process.
  • No user data (like forum posts, grades, submissions, ...) are supported yet. Blocks are not restored yet.
  • See MDL-22414 for details.

Enabling Web Services for mobile devices

  • Moodle 2.1 comes with a built-in web service designed for mobile applications.
  • It is required to run the official Moodle app.
  • Enable it only if you want people to use the official app or if third party app explicitly requires it.
  • See MDL-27551 and Enable mobile web services documentation for details.


  • MDL-11288 Ability to copy (or clone) an activity
  • MDL-27428 Ability to navigate navigation/settings menu and dock with keyboard


  • MDL-26784 Improved plugins check/overview page
  • MDL-27500 Upgraded TinyMCE to the latest version 3.4.2

Functional changes

  • MDL-26105 User friendly block settings and help information

Security issues

To be released later

System requirements

  • ...


When upgrading to Moodle 2.1, you must first upgrade to Moodle 2.0 or later. We advise that you test the upgrade first on a COPY of your production site, to make sure it works as you expect.

For further information, see Upgrading to Moodle 2.1.

For developers: API changes


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