
If you want to create a new page for developers, you should create it on the Moodle Developer Resource site.

Navigation 2.0 structure

From MoodleDocs

This document outlines a proposed re-organisation of the navigation block (and nav bar) to make it more user-centered and less Moodle-centered. It ties in very nicely with the new My Moodle page.

For a non-logged-in user

  • Home (links to site page?)
  • Site forum
  • Site resource
  • etc
    • Courses
      • Humanities
        • English 101 ...
      • Science
        • Physics 101 ...

For a logged-in user

  • Home (links to My Moodle /my/)
    • Site page (links to the main site page /, uses site shortname)
      • Site forum
      • Site resource etc
    • Profile (links to your own public profile /user/view.php)
      • Forum posts
      • Comments
      • Activity reports
      • Notes
    • My courses (doesn't show if user doesn't have any courses)
      • Physics 101
        • Participants
          • Fred ...
        • Topic 1
        • Topic 2
          • Forum A etc
      • Maths 101
        • Week 1
        • Week 2
          • Forum A etc
      • Chemistry 101
        • Topic 1
        • Topic 2
          • Forum A etc
    • Courses (only appears when looking at NON-enrolled courses or if there are no enrolled courses)
      • English 101
        • Participants
        • etc
    • Users (only appears when looking at other users outside of course context)
      • Fred (Only when looking at other users)
        • Edit profile ...
        • Forum posts
    • Blogs (link to all blogs /blog/)
      • All users
        • Fred
    • Tags (link to /tag/ page)
      • Indian Food (only when looking at a tag page)
    • Search (link to generic search page to find courses, users, content etc ... /search/)