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Creating a theme based on boost

From MoodleDocs

Moodle 3.2

This is a tutorial for how to create a new theme in Moodle 3.2.

Moodle 3.2 includes a new core theme named "Boost" which is a great starting point for themers wanting to build a modern Moodle theme utilising all the latest features available to themes in Moodle.

Getting started

What is a theme? A theme in Moodle is just another type of plugin that can be developed. Themes are responsible for setting up the structure of each page and have the ability to customise the output of any page in Moodle.

Choosing a name

Your new theme will need a name. Try and think of something short and memorable - and make sure it is not a name that has already been used by someone else. A quick search on the can save you a lot of work renaming things later.

Lets call our new example theme "photo" as we will add some settings to allow "photos" in various places in Moodle.

Starting files

As a plugin, themes must start with the basic structure of a plugin in Moodle. See for an overview of the files common to all plugins in Moodle.

Following this guide we can start creating our theme. First we create the folder for the new theme under under "/theme/" folder in the Moodle root directory.


Now we need to add some standard plugin files to our theme. First is version.php


<?php // Every file should have GPL and copyright in the header - we skip it in tutorials but you should not skip it for real.

// This line protects the file from being accessed by a URL directly. defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();

// This is the version of the plugin. $plugin->version = '2016102100';

// This is the version of Moodle this plugin requires. $plugin->requires = '2016070700';

// This is the component name of the plugin - it always starts with 'theme_' // for themes and should be the same as the name of the folder. $plugin->component = 'theme_photo';

// This is a list of plugins, this plugin depends on (and their versions). $plugin->dependencies = [

   'theme_boost' => '2016102100'                                                                                                   


We also need a language file so that all our strings can be translated into different languages. The name of this file is the component name of our plugin and it sits in the lang/en/ folder for our plugin. We can include translations of our plugin, but we can also provide translations via the website once our plugin has been published to the plugins database at


<?php // Every file should have GPL and copyright in the header - we skip it in tutorials but you should not skip it for real.

// This line protects the file from being accessed by a URL directly. defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();

// A description shown in the admin theme selector. $string['choosereadme'] = 'Theme photo is a child theme of Boost. It adds the ability to upload background photos.'; // The name of our plugin. $string['pluginname'] = 'Photo'; // We need to include a lang string for each block region. $string['region-side-pre'] = 'Right';

Theme specific files

Theme plugins have a few more standard files they need to define.

Themes require a favicon file to show in the address bar. See [Favicon].


(Image file not shown).

Themes also require an example screenshot to be displayed in the theme selector.


(Image file not shown).

Themes require a lib.php file. This file contains callbacks used by various API's in Moodle. Initially this file can be empty, but as we add features to our theme we will need to add some functions here.

lib.php <?php

// Every file should have GPL and copyright in the header - we skip it in tutorials but you should not skip it for real.

// This line protects the file from being accessed by a URL directly. defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();

// We will add callbacks here as we add features to our theme.

Theme config goes in a config.php file. This is one of the most important files in our theme. Once we add this file we will be ready to test our theme for the first time.



// Every file should have GPL and copyright in the header - we skip it in tutorials but you should not skip it for real.

// This line protects the file from being accessed by a URL directly. defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();

// $THEME is defined before this page is included and we can define settings by adding properties to this global object.

// The first setting we need is the name of the theme. This should be the last part of the component name, and the same // as the directory name for our theme. $THEME->name = 'photo';

// This setting list the style sheets we want to include in our theme. Because we want to use SCSS instead of CSS - we won't // list any style sheets. If we did we would list the name of a file in the /styles/ folder for our theme without any css file // extensions. $THEME->sheets = [];

// This is a setting that can be used to provide some styling to the content in the TinyMCE text editor. This is no longer the // default text editor and "Atto" does not need this setting so we won't provide anything. If we did it would work the same // as the previous setting - listing a file in the /styles/ folder. $THEME->editor_sheets = [];

// This is a critical setting. We want to inherit from theme_boost because it provides a great starting point for SCSS bootstrap4 // themes. We could add more than one parent here to inherit from multiple parents, and if we did they would be processed in // order of importance (later themes overriding earlier ones). Things we will inherit from the parent theme include // styles and mustache templates and some (not all) settings. $THEME->parents = ['boost'];

// A dock is a way to take blocks out of the page and put them in a persistent floating area on the side of the page. Boost // does not support a dock so we won't either - but look at bootstrapbase for an example of a theme with a dock. $THEME->enable_dock = false;

// This is an old setting used to load specific CSS for some YUI JS. We don't need it in Boost based themes because Boost // provides default styling for the YUI modules that we use. It is not recommended to use this setting anymore. $THEME->yuicssmodules = array();

// Most themes will use this rendererfactory as this is the one that allows the theme to override any other renderer. $THEME->rendererfactory = 'theme_overridden_renderer_factory';

// This is a list of blocks that are required to exist on all pages for this theme to function correctly. For example // bootstrap base requires the settings and navigation blocks because otherwise there would be no way to navigate to all the // pages in Moodle. Boost does not require these blocks because it provides other ways to navigate built into the theme. $THEME->undeletableblocktypes = ;