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Moodle 2.8 release notes

From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 17:17, 24 October 2014 by Helen Foster (talk | contribs) (→‎Improved Grade import/export: issue and user docs links)

Releases > Moodle 2.8 release notes

Release date: Expected in Mid-November 2014

Here is the full list of fixed issues in 2.8.

Major Features


Our main focus has been on the Gradebook, with improved UI based on community workshops, surveys and bug reports.

New Grader report (the main interface showing all grades):

  • Uses the whole window
  • Smooth, stable scrolling in all directions
  • Works on all platforms, including phones and tablets
  • Contains a new ‘Single view’ mode that allows editing of any row or column on its own.
  • Allows quick editing of any cell without reloading.

New Natural weighting aggregation method

  • Combines grades simply
  • Clearer interface for using weights
  • Supports extra credit, excluded grades, hidden grades
  • Can remove the need to use any other aggregations

New Grade history report

  • Full details of all grade changes MDL-46191
  • Provides audit trail showing what changed and why

Improved Grader setup page (for defining items and categories)

  • New design
  • Easier terminology and clearer layout
  • Bugs fixed relating to how grades are added in some scenarios
  • Prevents loss of data when you leave the window

Improved User report

  • New design
  • Clearer calculations
  • Contributions column explains grade calculations

Improved Grade import/export


Discussion subscription MDL-1626
can subscribe to get email copies of individual discussions
Reply by email MDL-3714
You can now reply to forum posts received by email, and even include attachments
Discussion navigation MDL-8501
you can jump to the next and previous discussions easily


  • MDL-39929 - Option of adding additional files for use in the assignment, such as answer templates


  • MDL-3034 -More than one choice can now be made


  • MDL-43089 Edit quiz page: rewritten for improved usability.
  • MDL-37993 New completion options: Can apply when a passing grade achieved or all attempts are used


  • MDL-38106 - Now includes Introduction like other modules
  • MDL-38560 - Better handling of images in questions


  • MDL-31936 - Workshop submissions and/or assessments can be removed during the course reset


Event monitor
can look for patterns of events and send you notifications
New events
More detailed logging and events have been added, especially around grades


New User menu in Clean theme
shows your profile onscreen in the header and allows quick access to personal pages. Can be customised by the admin.
MDL-18014 Editor autosave
The Atto editor can now automatically save drafts of your texts so you don’t lose anything if any unexpected disasters occur
MDL-45897 Improved My Home page
better default blocks


Teacher access to enrol_cohort MDL-36014
Teachers are now able to use enrol_cohort without having additional capabilities to view cohorts outside of the course. At the same time managers can define individual cohorts as not visible to prevent using them by teachers in enrolment.
Manually enrol cohort members MDL-35618
Teachers can manually enrol all cohort members without having capability to use cohort synchronisation enrolment method
Auto-create MDL-41639
Cohort that do not yet exist will be created if specified in “Upload users” tool
Upload MDL-35468
Admin or manager can bulk upload cohorts definitions from CSV file
MDL-34189 View all cohorts
Admin or system-wide manager can view all cohorts in the system on the same page even if they are defined in different contexts

Other things

  • MDL-16474 - Single-item scales: now you can implement “Like” buttons with no downside!
  • Private files: you can now add files here by emailing them as attachments
  • User preferences: Admin can set defaults for user preferences such as Email display, Forum tracking, etc. They are also displayed now in a separate fieldset on edit user profile page
  • MDL-44725 - Group restrictions in conditional availability across all mods
  • MDL-46210 - Option to update installed language packs as a scheduled task

For Developers

API changes

  • There are new convenience functions to obtain $cm objects that belong to the cm_info class. get_course_and_cm_from_cmid($cmorid, $modulename) and get_course_and_cm_from_instance($instanceorid, $modulename) will efficiently obtain $course and $cm at the start of a module script in one line. Also, the new function cm_info::create($cm) can be used when you need a cm_info object, but only have a standard database record.
  • Choice event definitions have changed in MDL-3034 [placeholder for this to be expanded]
  • MDL-47194 - A new inbound message API was created.
  • MDL-47496 - The unused lib/pear/XML/ library was removed.
  • ...