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Editor 2.7

From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 05:49, 14 November 2013 by Jason Fowler (talk | contribs)

Note: This page is a work-in-progress. Feedback and suggested improvements are welcome. Please join the discussion on or use the page comments.

Text Editor Revamp
Project state In Development
Tracker issue
Assignee Jason Fowler @ Moodle HQ

Moodle 2.7

Project goals

The primary purpose is to update the default text editor in Moodle to a new editor.

This will improve accessibility, and usability, while replacing the now unsupported TinyMCE 3.5.8.

TinyMCE 3.5.8 will be kept in place for the next few releases, but will likely be disabled by default.

Along with the replacement of the Editor, plugins for TinyMCE 3.5.8 that are included as part of the Moodle release will be made compatible with the new Editor.


  • Accessibility of the editor - is it at or easy to get it to WCAG AA?
  • Accessibility of the code produced by the editor - is it at or easy to get it to WCAG AA?
  • Maintainability of the links between the editor and Moodle - how much work will we need to do every time we upgrade?
  • Appearance of the editor - can it be changes to look like the other toolbars currently in Moodle?
  • String support - how difficult will it be to allow the strings to change when the Moodle language changes?
  • Mobile support - how well does it scale on small screens?
  • Plugin support - can our community write plugins easily?


  • CKEditor
  • Atto
  • TinyMCE 4
  • ???

Sub Tasks

  1. Assess different editors
  2. Decide on an editor
  3. Implement editor
    1. Getting the new editor to render without altering the existing DOM - prevents changes needed to maintain third party plugins.
    2. Getting AMOS strings working within Editor.
    3. Getting Filepicker working within Editor Dialogs.


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