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Hack-a-thon 2013

From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 13:23, 14 July 2021 by David Mudrak (talk | contribs) (Text replacement - "class="nicetable"" to "class="wikitable"")

Note: This page is a work-in-progress. Feedback and suggested improvements are welcome. Please join the discussion on or use the page comments.

Start Date To be announced
End Date To be announced

What is a Moodle Hack-a-thon?

A Hack-a-thon is a period of intense community contribution to the Moodle project. Participants are rewarded for their involvement. There is a competitive aspect to the Hack-a-thon to encourage greater involvement.

Categories of work

The following categories are specifically targeted as areas of work for the Hack-a-thon.

Bugs patched

This category is for the most bugs resolved.

There are two groups in this category, each with separate prize pools.

Moodle HQ employees are excluded from competing.

Points 5 points for every bug + 1 point for every VOTE on that bug (so vote for your favourite bugs!) + 2 points for fixing on all supported branches
Reporting Participants should add themselves and links to their issues to Hack-a-thon_2013/Bugs_resolved. Participants should provide Git branches on the issue.
Verification Each reported fix will be reviewed by an authorised developer. Fixes may be allowed minor fixes after reviewing.
T-shirt standard 1 verified bug fix

Dud issues identified

A dud issue is one that is open, but should be closed, for one of the following reasons.

  • It is a duplicate of another issue in the tracker (either a pre-existing issue or an active issue reported later; the point is that we end up closing one).
  • It was an issue that has been fixed in current versions.
  • It is an issue that has become obsolete because of changes present in current versions.
  • It is not able to be replicated in any reasonable supported environment.
Points 3 points per identified issue (1 point for each additional duplicate after the first)
Reporting Participants should add themselves and links to their issues to Hack-a-thon_2013/Dud_issues_closed. Participants should comment on each issue they report.
Verification Each reported issue will be checked and closed by authorised person.
T-shirt standard 5 dud issues identified and verified as duds

Docs updated

There are numerous API features that are undocumented or out of date.

Points 1 point for each API page updated. 3 points for each API page created.
Reporting Participants should add themselves and links to their updates to Hack-a-thon_2013/Docs_updated
Verification Each reported page or update will be checked and verified. Changes should be necessary and more than corrections of grammar or spelling.
T-shirt standard 3 updates or 1 page created

Plugins updated

  • Most Contributed plugins updated
Points ???
Reporting Participants should add themselves and links to their plugins to Hack-a-thon_2013/Plugins_updated
Verification ???
T-shirt standard ???

Prizes and recognition

Each participant who fulfils the minimum t-shirt standard will receive a limited edition Hack-a-thon t-shirt.

Cash prizes will be awarded for each category (including two prizes for bug fixing). Prizes will be awarded as follows.

First prize AU$200
Second prize AU$100
Third prize AU$50

Cash prizes will be paid via Paypal.

Winners in each category will be named in a news item on, a feature story on and recorded here in the Docs.

The judges decision is final. We reserve the right to disqualify someone if it becomes obvious they are cheating the system (eg. by filing fake reports, setting up fake accounts, reassigning bugs from other people after they are done etc.).

See also...