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|Course creator||Be able to create badges||I can issue badges to students for achievements||Must have
|Course creator||Be able to create badges||I can issue badges to students for achievements||Must have
|Course creator||Be able to modify existing badges||I can make changes to a badge without having to start again||Must have
|Course creator||Be able to modify existing badges [1]||I can make changes to a badge without having to start again||Must have
|Course creator||Be able to delete badges||They can be removed from the system when no longer required||Must have
|Course creator||Be able to delete badges||They can be removed from the system when no longer required||Must have
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[1] Note this means changing the badge that will be issued from that point on - the open badges spec intentionally prevents an issuer from modifying badges once they have been issued to the user for security reasons

===Badge assignment===
===Badge assignment===

Revision as of 22:41, 27 August 2012

Note: This page is a work-in-progress. Feedback and suggested improvements are welcome. Please join the discussion on or use the page comments.


In September 2011, Mozilla launched the Open Badges project as a way to "make it easy to issue and share digital learning badges across the web". Mozilla have developed an open specification and API for badge creation and sharing and are looking for developers to implement infrastructure that makes use of the badges.

TotaraLMS have volunteered to lead the development to integrate Open Badges into Moodle (and also Mahara).

This document contains our initial ideas and some unanswered questions around implementation in order to receive feedback from the moodle community on what is required and how to implement it.

User Stories

Our first step is to attempt to define the requirements and priorities. Feedback welcome:

Badge creation

As a... I want to... So that... Priority
Site administrator Be able to control who is able to create and issue badges I can manage the issuing of badges from my organisation Must have
Course creator Be able to create badges I can issue badges to students for achievements Must have
Course creator Be able to modify existing badges [1] I can make changes to a badge without having to start again Must have
Course creator Be able to delete badges They can be removed from the system when no longer required Must have
Course creator Be able to set a background image for the badge I can customise the appearance of the badges I create Must have
Course creator Be able to embed custom text into the badge image I can choose the text shown on the badges I create High
Course creator Be able to embed user specific text into the badge image I can create badges that are specific to each user High
Course creator Be able to clone existing badges I can create similar badges with less work Medium
Site administrator Be able to create badge templates for course creators to use I can provide a consistent look for badges across my organisation Medium
Course creator Be able to create badges based on site-wide templates I can quickly create similar looking badges Medium

[1] Note this means changing the badge that will be issued from that point on - the open badges spec intentionally prevents an issuer from modifying badges once they have been issued to the user for security reasons

Badge assignment

As a... I want to... So that... Priority
Course creator Be able to control the criteria that leads to the issuing of badges I can ensure badges are only issued to students who have achieved them Must have
Student Be able to receive a notification when I have received a new badge I know when I have made an achievement Must have
Student Be able to receive a copy of badges I achieve I can keep my own records of my achievements and upload to other services Must have
Developer Reuse the "conditional availability" functionality to control badge issuing I can leverage existing code and avoid duplication High
Course creator Be able to receive notification when a student receives a badge I can stay informed about my student's progress High

Badge display

As a... I want to... So that... Priority
Student Be able to see all of the badges that I have achieved via the site in one location I can get an overview of my achievements Must have
Student Be able to see the public or shared badges belonging to other users I can see what learning my peers have achieved. High
Student Be able to control who is able to see each of my badges I can decide for myself who I would like to share my achievements with. Medium
Student Be able to display all the badges in my "backpack", including those from outside the moodle site I can let others know about other learning that I've achieved from other sources. Medium

Badge management

As a... I want to... So that... Priority
Course creator Be able to see which of my students have achieved a specific badge I can track the progress of my students. Must have
Course creator Be able to revoke badges that are no longer valid I can correct an error if a badge is assigned by mistake. Must have
Course creator Be able to inform a student that a badge has been revoked and remove it from display for that user I can correct an error if a badge is assigned by mistake. Must have
Course creator Be able to see the badges achieved by an individual student I can assess the progress of an individual student. High
Site administrator Be able to see the badges achieved by any site user I can track the progress of individuals. Medium
Site administrator Be able to see which site users have achieved a specific badges I can track overall achievement of a particular badge. Medium
Site administrator Be able to revoke badges across the entire site I can correct errors by individual course creators. Medium
Site administrator Be able to inform a set of students that a badge has been revoked and remove it from display for that user I can correct errors by individual course creators. Medium
Course creator Be able to set an expiry period for badges I can use badges in cases where achievements only last a fixed period of time. Low
Course creator Be able to perform more detailed reporting (such as who hasn't achieved a badge yet) I can see which students I need to follow up with. Low

Badge verification

As a... I want to... So that... Priority
Assessor Know that all badges displayed within the system are valid (have been achieved by the user they are displayed for) I can be certain that the badges displayed within the system have all been achieved. Must have
Assessor Be able to confirm from the original source that a badge being displayed by a user (outside of the system) is valid I can be certain that the student has achieved a particular badge. Must have

Integration with Mahara

As a... I want to... So that... Priority
Mahara user Be able to easily display all my achieved badges I can include my achievements in my porfolio. Must have
Mahara user Have my badges from Moodle automatically imported into Mahara I don't have to manually copy new badges each time I achieve something. Must have
Mahara user Control which badges appear when displaying them in my porfolio I can present different representations of my achievements to different audiences. High
Site administrator Remove badges from a users portfolio if they have been revoked I can prevent a user displaying badges that are no longer valid. High

Implementation Options

Moodle already has a module which behaves in a similar way to the proposals for open badges - the Certificate Module. It makes sense to consider extending the certificate module avoid rewriting similar code.

Pros Cons
Some potential for code reuse Potential for reuse is actually fairly limited since certificate and badges must use different libraries to create them
May increase awareness/usage of badges by making them visible to certificate module users Adds complexity to the certificate module UI
Activity creator will need to choose between badge or certificate early on, might as well be separate, tailored module
Badges may need to act at a higher context than "activity", e.g. receiving badges for course completion, not just activity completion - so an activity module might not be appropriate
Certificate module not part of core at the moment

Potential for code reuse

Could be reused:

  • Notify teacher of issued certificate via email
  • Report on issued certificates - would probably want to extend

The following existing features would need to be modified or reimplemented:

  • Download or display certificate (PDF format) - would need to output PNG file with badge baking code
  • Controlling the certificate appearance - may be able to reuse settings code, but implementation would need to be new (because the badge must be a PNG rather than PDF):
    • Adding user specific text to certificates (recipient name, grade, teacher, etc)
    • Adding custom text to certificates
    • Display options (upload background, borders, seal, logos, etc)

There is also the question as to if Moodle HQ or the certificate module maintainer would want Open Badges integrated with the certificate module, or would prefer a standalone system. Currently the certificate module is a plugin (not distributed with the default moodle install).

Status: Seeking community input - please add any comments to the forum post.

Open Badges Integration

Open badges are still in beta so we can expect additional features and possibly some API changes over time. v1 is due out Q1 2013.

Use of the backpack for managing all badges

Here is a diagram of the current infrastructure for managing badges. We intend to develop the functionality to make moodle both a "displayer" and a "issuer" of badges.

Our understanding of the spec is that badges are sent from the issuer to the users backpack (which is external to the issuer). This requires the user to create an external account for managing their badges as outlined here:

This workflow has some advantages (primarily the user has full control over their own badges) but seems quite complex. Given that Moodle would be both an issuer and displayer there are a few alternative approaches we may want to consider:

  • As above, but Moodle also tracks the badge assignment and keeps a local copy of badges. This makes an external backpack optional by allowing display of badges obtained internally directly.
  • Implement a "backpack provider" service within Moodle. Not sure if this is a good idea or even possible, but it might make it possible to manage badges via a backpack without needing an extra external login
  • Don't implement the external backpack part of the spec and just issue badges via Moodle - users could still import badges into an external backpack if they have one (by downloading the badge file and dropping into their external backpack).
