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Latest release notes: Difference between revisions

From MoodleDocs
(1.7 stuff back)
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===See also===
===See also===
*[[Upgrading to Moodle 1.8]]
*[[Upgrading to Moodle 1.8]]

==Moodle 1.7.2==
==Moodle 1.7.2==

Revision as of 07:16, 29 June 2007

Template:About Moodle

Moodle 1.8.1

Released: 14th June 2007

Here is the full list of fixed issues in 1.8.1.


  • The groups implementation has been cleaned up somewhat from the 1.8 release. The groupings GUI that appeared in 1.8 has been removed, because groupings are not complete and should not be used yet. Moodle 1.8 sites that have created groupings should upgrade to 1.8.1 to have groupings reset ... otherwise there could be problem when upgrading to the real groupings in 1.9 or later.

Moodle 1.8

Released: 31st March 2007

Here is the full list of fixed issues in 1.8.

Headline features

The Moodle interface is now compliant with XHTML Strict 1.0 and major accessibility standards.
We can now set up peer Moodle installations allowing users to roam from one site to another, using comprehensive SSO and transparent remote enrolments. Administrators at the originating Moodle install can see logs of remote activity. You can also run your Moodle in "Hub" mode where any Moodle install can connect and users roam across.
The Moodle Network code includes an XML-RPC call dispatcher that can expose the WHOLE Moodle API to trusted hosts. We will building on this in further versions but you can start using it now if you need to.
Majority of forms now use a single API for defining forms consistently and collecting data safely without using any HTML at all.
It is now easier to configure multiple sources of authentication at once. WARNING: the format for authentication plugins has changed, so custom plugins may be broken, however it's very easy to convert old code to the new format. More details can be found in /auth/README.txt.
Allow new arbitrary fields to be added to the user profile, with more control over what fields appear on what signup and profile editing screens.
  • Groups refactor - OU /
Groups code has been reorganised to make it more flexible for the future (see 1.9).
In addition to many Roles fixes and refinements, Moodle 1.8 has separated the SYSTEM context from the SITE context (which makes it more like 1.6 used to work). The SITE context is the "front page course" and its activities. This should make it easier for admins to set up permissions. Login as and switching of roles was rewritten. Administrators can view recommended permission settings of legacy roles and may reset legacy roles to defaults.
Open Document Format should solve majority of current problems with exports into proprietary Excel format. You may need to install special import plugin if you are using MS Office.

Known problems

  • CAS auth not working

Module improvements

Payment managers can obtain an authorization code over phone from customer's bank if the credit card of the user cannot be captured on the internet directly.

Developers please add news here!

See also


Moodle 1.7.2

30th March, 2007

This page shows issues resolved in this version


  • Unintended logouts are now prevented - sesskey added to logout.php script
  • Fixed problem with visible posts in user profile when "forceloginforprofiles" disabled
  • Fixed visibility of site blog entries
  • Corrected wrong includes in lams
  • XSS injection in SCORM 1.2 reports
  • Fixed old problem with approvals in Data module, edited entries were approved automatically
  • Fixed escaping in shell commands (Win32 platform only)
  • Fixed visibility of blog drafts
  • Rewritten parameter handling in repository plugin
  • Fixed XSS in login block

Moodle 1.7.1

17th January, 2007

This page shows details about issues resolved in this version

Moodle 1.7

7th November, 2006

This page shows details about issues resolved in this version

Headline features

Permissions based on fine-grained capabilities allow all kinds of roles to be created and assigned in all contexts around Moodle. This creates a great deal more flexibility in the permissions that you can grant to people.
added support for MS-SQL and Oracle with more databases to come. Developers now have just one XML file to edit when changing the database structure, and there is even a very funky editor for this file built-in to Moodle
  • New Admin interface
Completely new admin interface, with accessible design and cool features to make access to settings fast and easy.
Making it easier for developers to write test code, which should ultimately lead to a more reliable Moodle.
The Topics and Weekly course formats now feature AJAX editing which means you can drag drop blocks, activities and sections (weeks/topics) and it all happens instantly. No more page reloading!

Module improvements

  • Improvements to the Database module
    • Template/Field settings can now be saved as Presets and shared across a site.
    • Presets are just zip files, and can also be shared between sites.
    • Moodle 1.7 comes with one sample preset (an Image Gallery) with more to come.
    • New latitude/longitude data type
  • Improvements to the Lesson module
    • Now has a more unified view of lesson screens.
    • Teacher editing:
      • Collapsed view has a nicer format, displays more information regarding each page and allows the creation of new pages.
      • Editing is now speedier by replacing 3 second redirect delays with a notification system.
    • New feature: display default feedback.
      • Default is On so previous lessons behave as before.
      • Description: if no response is entered for a question answer and this setting is turned Off, then the user skips the feedback page.
    • Graceful degrade of JavaScript.
    • Several bug fixes.
  • The teacher can configure comments that are displayed to the student at the end of their attempt, with the comment displayed depending on the student's score.
  • Improvements to some core question types
  • All question types can now have some general feedback. This is displayed to all students after they have finished the question (depending on the quiz settings) and does not depend on what response the student gave. Use this to tell the student what the question was about, or link them to more information about the topic it covers.
  • Matching questions can have extra wrong answers, and work when two questions have the same answer.
  • Multiple Choice questions can have feedback for the whole question, as well as specific answers. This is particularly useful for multiple-response questions.
  • Numerical questions can have different answers with different precisions and scores. (Previously this was only supported via GIFT import. Now you can edit questions like this.)
  • While editing a wiki page it is now locked so that others cannot try to change it at the same time. Teachers can override the lock.
  • Minor bugfixes (mostly to fix problems that occured when using Postgres database).

Enrolment plugin improvements

  • Accepts 'Electronic Checks (ACH)'. After a user approving echeck, an admin who has upload csv capacity must import a CSV file to get the user enrolled in the Payment Management page.
  • Autoconfigures credit card and echeck types if the merchant does not accept some types of them.

See also

pt:Versões do Moodle